Dr. Faiz Ahmad


  • 15:162 Biology I
  • 15:263 Plant Science
  • 15:282 Genetics Principles
  • 15:293 Plant and Microbial Breeding
  • 15:474 DNA Technology: Principles and Applications

Academic Qualifications:

Ph.D.   (Crop Science : Plant Genetics and Breeding)   University of Saskatchewan (1988), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

M.Sc.   (Crop Science : Plant Genetics and Breeding)   University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (1984), Canada

M.Sc. (Agriculture)   (Plant Genetics and Breeding)   G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology (1980), Pantnagar, India

B.Sc.   (Botany, Zoology, Chemistry)   Gorakhpur University (1977), Gorakhpur, India

Other Positions Held:

(Sabbatical Leave) Visiting Scientist-Pulse Program   Crop Development Centre & Plant Science Department, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Research Scientist   Forage Crop Genetics and Breeding, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

Associate Research Scientist   Université Laval, Ste-Foy, Québec, Canada

Research Associate   Dept. of Agronomy, U of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA

NSERC Canadian Government Laboratory Visiting Fellow   Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Ste-Foy, Québec, Canada

Research Interests:

Genetics of food and medicinal plants, molecular cytogenetics, genetic conservation, plant biotechnology, plant molecular biology, plant tissue culture, wide hybridization and alien gene introgression, doubled haploid technology.

McNeil D, Ahmad F, Abbo S, Bahl PN 2007. Genetics and Cytogenetics. In Yadav S S, Redden R, Chen W and Sharma B (eds) : Chickpea Breeding and Management. CAB International Publishing, Oxfordshire, UK.

Vipulananthan N and Ahmad F 2007. Genetic Analysis in the interspecific hybrid Phalaris minor for parental species determination. Paper presented at the 2007 Prairie University Biology Symposium (PUBS), Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Balasubramanian P, Ahmad F, Vandenberg A and Hucl PJ 2006. Barriers to interspecific hybridization of common bean with Phaseolus angustissimus A. Gray and P. filiformis Bentham. Journal of Genetics and Breeding 59 : 321-327.

Ahmad F 2005. An analysis of interspecific crossability among the six tertiary gene pool annual species of Cicer L. Presented at the Fourth International Food Legume Research Conference. Oct 18-22, 2005, New Delhi, India, In Kharkwal M C (ed) : 4th International Food Legume Research Conference – Abstracts. IARI, New Delhi, India, pp 45.

Ahmad F, Gaur P M and Croser J S 2005. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). In Singh R J and Jauhar P P (eds) : Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement, Volume 1 : Grain Legumes. CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, pp 187-217.

Ahmad F, and Slinkard AE 2004. The extent of embryo and endosperm growth following interspecific hybridization between Cicer arietinum L. and related annual wild species. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 51 : 765-772.

Li HJ, Conner RL, Chen Q, Graf RJ, Laroche A, Ahmad F, Kuzyk AD 2004. Promising genetic resources for resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus and the wheat curl mite in wheat-Thinopyrum partial amphiploids and their relatives. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 51 : 827-835.

Ahmad F, and Slinkard AE 2003. Limitations to bridge-species facilitated alien gene transfers in chickpea: pre-fertilization events. Journal of Genetics and Breeding 57 : 69-74.

Balasubramanian P, Ahmad F, Vandenberg A, Hucl P 2003. Barriers to interspecific hybridization in Phaseolus backcrosses. Poster presented at the North American Pea Improvement Association/Bean Improvement Conference, Oct 24-30, Sacramento, USA.

Chen Q, Conner RL, Li HJ, Sun SC, Ahmad F, Laroche A and Graf R 2003. Molecular cytogenetic discrimination and reaction to wheat streak mosaic virus and the wheat curl mite in Zhong series of wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium partial amphiploids. Genome 46 : 135 145.

Croser JS, Ahmad F, Clarke HJ, and Siddique KHM 2003. Use of wild Cicer in chickpea improvement- progress, constraints and prospects. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 54 : 429-444.

Lulsdorf M, Ahmad F, Banniza S, Warkentin T and Vandenberg A 2003. Development of new and effective sources of ascochyta blight resistance in chickpea. Poster presented at the conference “Pulse Days-2003”, Jan 6-7, Saskatoon, Canada.

Navid E L and Ahmad F 2003. Genetic analysis and characterization of commercially relevant Echinacea species using traditional, molecular and cytological techniques. Poster presented at the 2003 Prairie University Biology Symposium (PUBS), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Chen Q, Conner RL and Ahmad F 2002. Genomic in situ hybridization as a means of analyzing chromosome pairing in Triticum aestivum x Thinopyrum ponticum hybrids. Journal of Genetics and Breeding 56 : 237-244.

Ahmad F, Lulsdorf M, Balasubramanian P, Tullu A, Warkentin T, and Vandenberg A 2002. Using wild related species of pulse crops : limitations and prospects for crop improvement. Poster presented at the conference “Pulse Days-2002”, Jan 7-8, Saskatoon, Canada, pp 77.

Tullu A, Buchwaldt L, Lulsdorf M, Ahmad F, Banniza S, Warkentin T, Ta’ran B, Sarkar A, Valkoun J, Barlow B, Breitkrutz C, McHale S and Vandenberg A 2002. Exploitation of the wild species of lentil for better disease resistance in Canadian lentil varieties. Poster presented at the conference “Pulse Days-2002”, Jan 7-8, Saskatoon, Canada, pp 83.

Chen Q, Conner RL, Laroche A and Ahmad F 2001. Molecular cytogenetic evidence for a high level of chromosome pairing among different genomes in Triticum aestivum-Thinopyrum intermedium hybrids. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 102 : 847-852.

Chen Q, Eudes F, Conner RL, Graf R, Comeau A, Collin J, Ahmad F, Zhou R, Li H, Zhao Y and Laroche A 2001. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of a durum wheat x Thinopyrum distichum hybrid used as a new source of resistance to Fusarium head blight in the greenhouse. Plant Breeding 120 : 375-380.

Ahmad F 2000. A comparative study of chromosome morphology among the nine annual species of Cicer L. Cytobios 101 : 37-53.

Ahmad F and Chen Q 2000. Meiosis in Cicer L. species : the relationship between chiasma frequency and genome length. Cytologia 65 : 161-166.

Ahmad F, Comeau A, Chen Q, Collin J and St-Pierre CA 2000. Radiation induced wheat-rye translocations in triticale : optimizing the dose using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Cytologia 65 : 1-6.

Ahmad F, Comeau A and Chen Q 2000. Monitoring alien chromatin in Triticeae wide hybrids by in situ molecular-cytogenetic procedure. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Canada, June 14-17, Vancouver, Canada.

Additional Materials:

A pair of rye chromosomes substituting in a 2n=42 wheat genome