About Dr. Anyichie
Dr. Anyichie is an Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology and Students Services at BU. He completed his PhD from the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, specializing in Human Development, Learning and Culture. Dr. Anyichie developed a Culturally Responsive Self-Regulated Learning Framework that guides educators in designing empirically-grounded instructional practices to support culturally diverse learners. His research “Supporting all Learners’ Engagement in a Multicultural Classroom Using a Culturally Responsive Self-Regulated Learning Framework” won the 2019 award for the best dissertation in Educational Psychology in Canada. The outcome of his research and interest in issues of social justice and equity led to the establishment of the Cultural Diversity Support Office in UBC.
Dr. Anyichie’s research focuses around two major goals: (1) supporting culturally diverse students’ regulation of learning, engagement and motivation, and (b) collaborating with educators to design learning environments that integrate culturally responsive teaching and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) pedagogical practices to support SRL, engagement and motivation for all learners.
Dr. Anyichie is currently accepting thesis students with similar research interests and willing to serve on graduate students’ thesis committee.