Matteo Di Muro

I serve as an Assistant Professor within the Faculty of Education’s Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at Brandon University (BU). In this role, I specialize in teaching technology, coding, and media courses. Currently, I am a Ph. D. candidate at the University of Regina, where my research focuses on sustained technology integration stemming from teachers’ experiences during pandemic teaching and instruction.


My undergraduate degrees comprise of a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics in 2011 as well as a Bachelor of Education in 2011, both from Brandon University. I completed a Master’s Degree in Educational Technology from the Werklund School of Education at University of Calgary.


Previously, I taught in the K-12 school system in Brandon School Division from 2011 – 2020. During that time, I served as a teacher at Vincent Massey High School,  primarily instructing Grades 9 – 12 math, primarily focusing on grades 11/12 pre-calculus. Following one of my passions, I developed a computer science program catering to students in grades 10 through 12 at Vincent Massey. From 2020-2021, I worked as Brandon School Division’s Educational Technology Specialist, after which I began my role as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at BU.


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  • Technology integration in classroom instruction, barriers to technology integration in teaching

  • Artificial intelligence in education

  • Digital literacy & Digital Wellbeing in educational settings

  • Rural education challenges and solutions

  • Teacher education and professional development

  • Community-Based Research in education

  • Computer Science and Coding education

  • Pedagogical practices as they relate to technologically mediated instruction, mathematics, and computer coding

  • Innovative approaches to teaching coding and computer science



Grant Details Value Year

SSHRC New Frontiers in Research Fund,

Exploring the Potential of Large-Scale Online Community-based Discussion Platforms
to Further Research Knowledge, Create Momentum, and Build Stronger Community Connections  

Principal Investigator: Dr. Michelle Lam

Co-Investigator: Matteo Di Muro

  $237,970   2022-2024

BURC SSHRC New Faculty Grant

Beyond Screens: A Manitoba study on ICT, Digital Literacy, and Student Wellbeing

Principal Investigator: Matteo Di Muro

Co-Investigator: Ms. Tracy Young

 $7500  2024-2026



Di Muro, M., & Thompson, K. (Eds.) (anticipated 2024). Empowering Education: Unveiling the transformative role of AI in Manitoba schools. CC 4.0.


Peer Reviewed Book Chapters

Stouffer, J., Kasamali, Z., Di Muro, M.Lam, M., Watson, E. (2023). Transactions of online literacy: Ethical relationality, ICT, and critical reading skills in the post-truth era. In L. Parker (Ed.), Education in the Age of Misinformation (pp. 163-186). Springer Nature.

Di Muro, M. (2017). Student-centered learning in computer science: Allowing students to choose their own curriculum. In Redekopp, R. & Nantais, M. (Eds.), Education and technology – Manitoba makers and coders: A snapshot of maker and coder ideas in Manitoba in 2017 (pp. 165-204). ISBN: 978-0-9958087-1-3. CC BY NC ND 4.0.


Journal Articles

Lam, M., Moura, G., Watson, E., Osiname, A., Kirk, J., Di Muro, M. (2024). The art of rural research: A framework for technologically mediated community-based research with rural communities. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement. Submitted.


Other Scholarship (Op-Eds, Briefs, Podcasts)

Moura, G., Lam, M., Di Muro, M., Berg, K., Kirk, J., Miranda, S., Osiname, A., & Watson, E. (2024). Employing Zoom in hybrid community-based research. Brandon University Centre for Applied Research and Education in Indigenous, Rural, and Remote Settings (BU CARES).

Moura, G., Lam, M., Di Muro, M., Berg, K., Kirk, J., Miranda,S., Osiname, A., & Watson, E. (2024). Innovative Approaches to Research in the Pandemic: Exploring the Potential of Large-Scale Online Community-Based Discussion Platforms. Brandon University Centre for Applied Research and Education in Indigenous, Rural, and Remote Settings (BU CARES).

Stouffer, J., Di Muro, M., Kasamali, Z., Lam, M., Watson, E. (2022). Relational transactions of online literacy. Research Connection Brief

Nantais, M., Kelly, W., Kirk, J., Lam, M., Di Muro, M., Ofwono, N., & Spence S. (2021). Digital realities of Manitoba school divisions. Research Connection Brief

Lam, M., Kirk, J., Di Muro, M., & Spence, S. (2021, September). Digital realities in rural school divisions. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.


Education & Research Related Media Appearances

Matteo Di Muro in Darbyson, K. (2021, April 28). “Minecraft explores Anishinaabe life”. Brandon Sun.

Matteo Di Muro in Manitoba Teachers’ Society [MTS]. (2020, March 24). “Teaching Continues”. MTS.

Matteo Di Muro in Slark, C. (2020, March 4). “Robot invasion at Vincent Massey”. Brandon Sun.




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