Dr. Derrek Eberts
- 38:265 Applied Quantitative Methods in Geography
- 38:280 Economic Geography
- 38:281 Urban Geography
- 38:180 People and Places: An Introduction to Human Geography
- 38:265 Applied Quantitative Methods in Geography
- 38:280 Economic Geography
- 38:381 Urban Geography
- 38:180 Human Geography
- 38:265 Applied Quantitative Methods in Geography
- 38:358 Field Studies in Geography (Puerto Vallarta)
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. York University(2001), North York, Ontario, Canada
M.A. University of Saskatchewan(1995), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
B.A.(Honours) University of Saskatchewan(1993), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Research Interests
Ethnic Recreational Landscapes
Neo-artisanal Production
Small City Downtowns
Tourism Impacts and Perceptions in Rural Mexico
(Canadian) Brewing Industry
Recent Publications
Espinoza Sánchez, R., B. Massam, A. Palafox Muñoz, D. Eberts, C. Verduzco Villaseñor, E. Andrade Romo, 2017. “Reflexiones finales sobre Economía y Conocimiento para el Desarrollo Regional Sustenable.” in H.R. Ramirez Partída, et al. (eds.) Economía y Conocimiento para Desarrollo Regional Sustenable. Tepic, Nayarit, MX: Universidad Autonóma de Nayarit.
Ramsey, D., A. Michalos, and D. Eberts, 2016. “Community Changes and Growth in Small Cities: Resident Perceptions of Growth in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.” Growth and Change. (Published in Early View Feb. 20, 2016, DOI: 10.1111/grow.12150).
Eberts, D., 2014. “Neolocalism and the Branding and Marketing of Place by Canadian Microbreweries.” in M. Patterson and N. Hoalst-Pullen (eds.) The Geography of Beer: Regions, Environment, and Societies. New York: Springer. pp. 189-199.
Everitt, J., and D. Eberts, 2014. “Prefacio.” in R. Espinoza Sanchez, R.M. Chavez Dagostino, E.A. Romo, J.L.C. Ortega, and Y.P. Zepeda (eds) Una década de colaboración académica para el desarrollo entre México y Canadá. Puerto Vallarta: Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de la Costa.
Ramsey, D. and D. Eberts. 2013. The Economic Impact of the Keystone Centre to Brandon: A Preliminary Report. Report Prepared for the Keystone Centre, Brandon, Manitoba, December 9, 2013.
Ramsey, D. and D. Eberts. 2011. Feasibility Report on the Conservation and Rehabilitation of Dominion Exhibition Display Building No. II and the Development of an Agricultural Campus. Report Prepared for the Provincial Exhibition, Brandon, Manitoba, September 29, 2011.
Recent Conference Presentations
Eberts, D., and R. Espinoza Sánchez, 2019. “Cultural Heritage and Tourism in Mexico’s “Pueblos Mágicos”.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Winnpeg, MB, May 27 – 31.
Eberts, D., and R. Espinoza Sánchez, 2018. “Cultural Heritage and Tourism in Mexico’s “Pueblos Mágicos”.” Paper presented at the International Conference Turystyka Kuulturowa – Teoria i Praktyka. Stan badań, praktyczne zastosowania i perspektywy rozwoju (Cultural Tourism – Theory and Practice. Research Status Quo, Practical Applications and Development Perspectives), Poznan, Poland, Oct. 25 – 27.
Eberts, D., and R. Espinoza Sánchez, 2018. “Tourism to benefit whom? Community impacts and community needs at the periphery of a tourism mega-project in rural Jalisco State, Mexico.” Paper presented at the Meeting of the International Geographical Union / Canadian Association of Geographers, Quebec City, QC, August 6 – 10.
Eberts, D., and R. Espinoza Sánchez, 2017. “Perceptions of community impacts of a tourism mega-project in rural Jalisco State, Mexico: The New Cancun.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Toronto, ON, May 29 – June 2.
Eberts, D., and R. Espinoza Sánchez, 2016. “Perceptions of impacts of a tourism mega-project in a rural and remote region in Jalisco State, Mexico: The New Cancun.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, NS, May 30 – June 4.
Brandt, P., D. Wiseman, and D. Eberts, 2016. “An historical analysis of food accessibility in Brandon, Manitoba.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Halifax, ON, May 30 – June 4.
Eberts, D., and R. Espinoza Sánchez, 2015. “Cultural Sustainability of Tourism in Rural Communities near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Prairie Division, Canadian Association of Geographers, Kenora, ON, Sept. 25-27.
Eberts, D., and R. Espinoza Sánchez, 2015. “Cultural Sustainability of Tourism in Rural Communities near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Vancouver, BC, June 1-5.
Eberts, D., and R. Espinoza Sánchez, 2014. “Impacts of New Tourism in Rural and Remote Communities in Jalisco State, Mexico.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, St. Catharines, ON, May 26-30.
Eberts, D., and R. Espinoza Sánchez, 2013. “The Transformation of a Tourist Space: Puerto Vallarta’s Malecon.” Paper presented at the VI International Tourism Congress, Peniche, Portugal, Nov. 27-29.
Eberts, D., and R. Espinoza Sánchez, 2013. “The Transformation of a Tourist Space: Puerto Vallarta’s Malecon.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, St. John’s, NL, August 11-15.
Eberts, D., and R. Espinoza Sánchez, 2012. “The Transformation of a Tourist Space: Puerto Vallarta’s Malecon.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Prairie Division, Canadian Association of Geographers, Winkler, MB, Sept. 28-30.
Eberts, D, and D. Ramsey, 2012. “Neighbourhood Variation in Perceived Quality of Life in Brandon, Manitoba.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Waterloo, ON, May 28 – June 2.
Eberts, D., and D. Tousignant, 2011. “A Secondary Impact of Tourism: Waste and the Scavengers of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Prairie Division, Canadian Association of Geographers, Devil’s Lake, ND, Sept. 16-18.
Eberts, D., D. Ramsey, and A. Michalos, 2011. “Neighbourhood Quality of Life in Brandon, MB.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Calgary, AB, May 31 – June 4.
Tousignant, D., and D. Eberts, 2010. “Waste Management’s Impact on Residential Quality of Life: A Case Study of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Prairie Division, Canadian Association of Geographers, North Battleford, SK, Sept. 24 – 26.
Eberts, D., R. Espinoza Sanchez, R. Chávez Dagostino, and E. Romo, 2010. “The Shadow Side of Tourism: Impacts of Waste on Quality of Life in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Regina, SK, June 1 – 5.
Chair, Department of Geography
Past-President, Canadian Association of Geographers, Prairie Division
Treasurer, Canadian Association of Geographers, Economic Geography Study Group