Thematic Lists of Published Research


BELIZE: List of Published Research

John Everitt, “Changing Patterns of Cultural Imperialism in a Developing Country.” ERIC/CAPS Clearing House, Resources in Education, ED 219318, 1982.

John Everitt, “Mennonites in Belize.”  Journal of Cultural Geography, Vol. 3, No. 2, Spring/Summer 1983, 82-93.

John Everitt, “Belmopan, Dream and Reality:  A Study of the other planned capital in Latin America.”  Revista Geografica, No. 99, January-June 1984, 135-144.

John Everitt, “The recent migrations of Belize, Central America.”  International Migration Review, Vol. 18, No. 2, Summer 1984, 319-325.

John Everitt, “The Growth and Development of Belize City.” Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 18, Part 1, May 1986, 75-112.

John Everitt, “The Growth and Development of Belize City.” Belizean Studies, Vol. 14, No. 1, 1986, 2-45.  (Reprint of previous paper.)

John Everitt, “Small in number, but great in impact:  The refugee migrations of Belize” in John R. Rogge (ed.) Refugees: A Third World Dilemma, 1987, (Totowa, New Jersey:  Rowman and Littlefield), 174-182.

John Everitt, “Toponomy as a Tool for the Culture Historian: The Case of Belize, Central America.”  Onomastica Canadiana, Vol. 69, No. 1, June 1987, 1-17.

John Everitt, “A Tale of Two Colonies:  A Comparative Study of the Early Development of Belize and Guyana.”  Geographical Perspectives, Number 59, Spring 1987, 93-103.

John Everitt, “The Torch is passed:  Neocolonialism in Belize.”  Caribbean Quarterly, Vol. 33, Nos. 3 & 4, September and December 1987, 42-59.

John Everitt, “Refugees on Mainland Middle America,” in Martin Kenzer (ed.) “Focus: Global Refugee Issues at the Beginning of the 1990s,” The Canadian Geographer, Volume 35, No. 2, 1991: 189-202.

R. Douglas Ramsey and John Everitt “Tourism as a Development Strategy in Belize, Central America”. Ara: Journal of Tourism Research. 1(1). 2008: 1-14.

R. Douglas Ramsey and John Everitt “If You Dig It, They Will Come! Archaeology Heritage Sites and Tourism Development in Belize, Central America”. Tourism Management 29 (5) 2008: 909-916.

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CANADIAN GRAIN TRADE: List of Published Research

John Everitt and Donna Everitt, “American Influences in the Canadian Grain Trade:  An Overview.”  Bulletin of the Association of North Dakota Geographers, Vol. 34, 1984, 1-9.

John Everitt, “The Manitoba Elevator Commission:  an Historical Geography” in L. Deshaies and R. Pelletier (eds.) Proceedings of the Canadian Association of Geographers, 1985, (Trois-Rivières:  University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières), 117-150.

John Everitt and Donna Everitt, “American Influences in the Canadian Grain Trade:  An Overview.”  Bulletin of the Association of North Dakota Geographers, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1986, 37-44.  (Reprint of A16.)

Deryck Holdsworth and John Everitt, “Bank Branches and Elevators:  Expressions of Big Corporations in Small Prairie Towns.”  Prairie Forum, Vol. 13, No. 2, Fall 1988, 173-190.

John Everitt, Roberta Kempthorne and Charles Schafer, “Controlled Aggression:  James J. Hill and The Brandon, Saskatchewan and Hudson’s Bay Railway.”  North Dakota History, Vol. 56, No. 2, Spring 1989, 3-19.

John Everitt, “The End of the Line:  The Brandon, Saskatchewan, and Hudson’s Bay Railway” in R. Keith Semple and Lawrence Martz eds. Prairie Geography, Saskatchewan Geography, No. 2, 1989 (Saskatoon:  Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan), 1-22.

John Everitt, “A ‘Tragic Muddle’ and a ‘Cooperative Success’: An account of two elevator experiments in Manitoba, 1906-1928.”  Manitoba History, Number 18, Autumn 1989:  12-24.

John Everitt and Donna Everitt, “The Grain Handling System.” Plate 19, in D. Kerr and D. Holdsworth eds. Addressing the Twentieth Century:  Historical Atlas of Canada Volume III, (Toronto:  University of Toronto Press), 1990.

John Everitt, “The Borderlands and the Early Canadian Grain Trade”. In R. Lecker ed. Borderlands: Essays in Canadian-American Relations (Toronto: ECW Press), 1991: 146-172.

Peter Hugill and John Everitt, “Macro Landscapes: The Cultural Landscape revised by World-System theory”. In S.T. Wong ed. Person, Place and Thing: Interpretive and Empirical Essays Geoscience and Man Series (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University), 1992: 177-194.

John Everitt and Roberta Kempthorne, “Prairie `custom’ flour mills.” In John Selwood and John C. Lehr eds. Reflections from the Prairies: Geographical Essays (Winnipeg: Department of Geography, University of Winnipeg), 1992: 41-60.

John Everitt, A Study of Grain Elevators in Manitoba: Part 1: A History A Report prepared for the Historic Resources Branch, Culture, Heritage, and Recreation Manitoba, 1992: 115pp.

John Everitt, “The Line Elevator in Saskatchewan,” Saskatchewan History, Volume XLIV, No. 2, Spring 1992: 41-58.

John Everitt, “The Line Elevator in Alberta: Part One,” Alberta History, Volume 40, No.4, Autumn 1992: 16-22.

John Everitt, “The Line Elevator in Alberta: Part Two,” Alberta History, Volume 41, No.1, Winter 1993: 20-26.

John Everitt, “The Early Development of the Flour Milling Industry on the Prairies,” The Journal of Historical Geography, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1993: 101-121.

John Everitt and Roberta Kempthorne, “The Flour Milling Industry in Manitoba since 1870,” Manitoba History, Number 26, Autumn 1993: 2-14.

John Everitt “The Development of the Grain Trade in Manitoba.” In John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel eds. The Geography of Manitoba: Its Land and its People, (Winnipeg: The University of Manitoba Press) 1996: 197-215.

John Everitt “N.M. Paterson and Sons Ltd.: A Home-Grown Success Story.” In John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, eds. The Geography of Manitoba: Its Land and its People, (Winnipeg: The University of Manitoba Press) 1996: 216-217.

John Everitt and Warren Gill “The Early Development of Terminal Elevators at the (Canadian) Lakehead” The Great Lakes Geographer Vol. 4, No. 2, 1997: 47-56.

John Everitt and Warren Gill “The Changing Geography of the Terminal Elevator: A Preliminary Analysis”. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays Vol. 2, 1999: 55-72.

John Everitt, “A Closer Look: The Canadian Grain Elevator.” In Tom L. McKnight Regional Geography of the United States and Canada Third Edition (New Jersey: Prentice Hall) 2001: 292-293.

John Everitt “The ‘dupe-licate’ elevator: Apparent competition within the elevator combine” Prairie Forum. Vol. 31, No. 1 (Spring) 2006: 61-70.

John Everitt and Warren Gill “The Early Development of Terminal Grain Elevators on Canada’s Pacific Coast” Western Geography. Vol. 15/16, 2005/2006: 1-27.

John Everitt “Grain Elevators” in The Encyclopedia of Manitoba (Winnipeg: Great Plains Publications) 2007: 285-287.

John Lehr, John Everitt and Simon Evans “The Making of the Prairie Landscape” Prairie Forum Spring 2008: 1-38.

John C. Lehr, John Everitt and Simon Evans “The Making of the Prairie Landscape”, in Gregory P. Marchildon ed. Immigration and Settlement, 1870-1939 (Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center) 2009: 13-56.  ISBN 978-0-88977-230-4.

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MEXICO: List of Published Research

John Everitt and John Welsted “Way Down Yonder, Down Mexico Way: Tourists, Snowbirds and Expats in Mexico”. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays Vol. 2, 1999: 179-189.

John Everitt, Rosa Chàvez-Dagostino, Carmen Cortés L., Amilcar Cupul-Magaña, Rodrigo Espinosa S., Luis F. González-Guevara, Rafael García de Quevedo-Machain, and Alma R. Raymundo-Huizar “Viva Vallarta! Impacts of the re-definition of a tourist resort in Jalisco/Nayarit, Mexico”. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays Vol. 4, 2001: 186-204.

Bryan Massam and John Everitt, “What the People say: a study of quality of life in three towns in Jalisco, Mexico” Canadian Journal of Urban Research, Vol. 10, 2, 2001: 293-316.

Bryan H. Massam, John Everitt Andrade Romo, E., Chávez-Dagostino, R. M., Del Carmen Cortés Lara, M., Cupul-Magaña, A., Espinoza Sanchez, R., González-Guevara, L. F., García De Quevedo-Machain, R., Del Carmen Navarro Rodríguez, M., Raymundo-Huizar, A. R., and Hernández Cachou L. G. Quality of Life in the Puerto Vallarta Region of Jalisco State, Mexico Working Paper #2003-01 (Brandon University, Rural Development Institute)  2003 Quality of Life in the Puerto Vallarta Region of Jalisco State, Mexico Working Paper #2003-01 (Brandon University, Rural Development Institute). September.

John Everitt, Bryan H. Massam, Edmundo Andrade Romo, Rosa Mariá Chàvez-Dagostino, Rodrigo Espinosa S., Alí Fernando Espinoza Ortíz, Ana Bertha Gómez Delgado, Mariá del Carmen Navarro Rodríguez, Patricia Eugenia Medina Covarrubias, Alma R. Raymundo-Huízar, Luis F. González-Guevara, Laura Gabriela Hernández Cachou, Jorge Ricardo Chávez Arce, and Carlos Munguía Fregoso. 2004 Perceptions of Spaces in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico Working Paper #2004-01 (Brandon University, Rural Development Institute). September.

Bryan Massam and John Everitt, “The Plaza as a Public Good: civic spaces in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico”. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays Vol. 7, 2004: 96-113.

John Everitt, Bryan H. Massam, Edmundo Andrade Romo, Rosa M. Chávez-Dagostino, Maria del Carmen Cortés Lara, Amilcar Cupul-Magaña, Rodrigo Espinoza Sanchez, Luis Fernando González-Guevara, Rafael García de Quevedo-Machain, María del Carmen Navarro Rodríguez, Alma R. Raymundo-Huizar, Laura Gabriela Hernández Cahou, Jorge Ricardo Chávez Arce, Roberto Hernández Cahou, Carlos Munguía Fragoso 2005 Footprints on Puerto Vallarta: Social Spaces and Environmental Impacts Working Paper #2005-12 (Brandon University, Rural Development Institute). November.

Bryan H. Massam, John Everitt, Rosa M. Chávez-Dagostino, Rodrigo Espinoza Sanchez, Edmundo Andrade Romo, February 2007 Holiday in the sun: the impacts of tourism on Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico Discussion Paper No. 58 (Department of Geography, York University) ISBN 978-1-55014-480-2.

John Everitt, Bryan H. Massam, Rosa M. Chávez-Dagostino, Rodrigo Espinoza Sanchez, Edmundo Andrade Romo “Imprints of Tourism on Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico.” The Canadian Geographer 52 (1) 2008: 83-104.

R.M. Chavez-Dagostino, J.L. Cifuentes-Lemus, E. Andrade-Romo, R. Espinoza-Sanchez, B.H. Massam, and J. Everitt, “Huellas ecologicas y sustenabilidad en la costa norte de Jalisco, Mexico” Teoria y Praxis, Ano 4, Num. 5 2008: 137-144.

Enrique Pérez Campuzano, Carlos Alberto Tello, and John C. Everitt “Spatial Segregation in a Tourist City: The Case of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico” Journal of Latin American Geography Vol.13 (3) 2014: 87-112.

John Everitt “From the Krystal to the Azteca: An outsider’s Mexican journey over time and over space”, in Bryan H. Massam and Rodrigo Espinoza Sanchez eds.  Memories of – Memorias de Puerto Vallarta (Toronto: Syn y Mor Press) 2011: 21-24. ISBN 978-0-9812042-7-7

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MANITOBA: List of Published Research

John Everitt and Cathy Tackaberry, “The Mobile Home:  A Housing Alternative?”  A workbook prepared for a conference of the Community Planning Association of Canada, Manitoba Division, 1976, 43 pp.

Terry Brown and John Everitt, “Carberry and its Search for Industry.”  Manitoba Pageant.  Vol. XXIV, No. 3, Spring 1979, 1-17.

John Everitt, “The Mobile Home:  A Housing Alternative? The Case of Brandon, Manitoba.” Urban Forum. Vol. 4, No. 5, 1979, 26-31.

John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, “Diversity and Change in rural south-western Manitoba.”  Issues in Rural Canada (Canadian Association of Geographers), 2, 20 slides and commentary, 1979, 39 pp.

John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, “A Study of Power and Politics in the Urban Fringe of Brandon, Manitoba.”  In A.A. Seaborne (ed.) Some Current Research on the Canadian Plains.  Regina Geographical Studies, No. 3, 1980 (Regina:  Department of Geography, University of Regina), 31-40.

John Everitt, “Social Space and Group Life Styles in Rural Manitoba.” The Canadian Geographer. Vol. 24, No. 3, 1980, 237-54.

John Everitt and Derek Sturko, “When a city is a town is a city: The ‘place’ of Brandon, Manitoba, in the Urban Hierarchy.” Great Plains – Rocky Mountain Geographical Journal.  Vol. 9, 1980, 31-39.

John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, “Changes in the Urban Fringe of Brandon, Manitoba:  A Test of a Model of Urban Dissonance.” In K.B. Beesley and L.H. Russwurm (eds.) The Rural-Urban Fringe:  Canadian Perspective.  Geographical Monographs, No. 10, 1981, (Toronto:  York University, Atkinson College), 17-33.

John Everitt, “A Recreational Landscape in the Late Auto-mobile Era:  The Case of Southwest Manitoba.”  In P.J. Hugill (eds.) The Impact of Transport Technology on Tourist Landscapes, 1981, (Geography Department:  Texas A and M University), 20-25.

John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, “Spatial Dimensions of   the Urban Growth of Brandon, Manitoba, 1882-1982.”  Bulletin of the Association of North American Geographers, Vol. 35, 1985, 1-32.

Marian Westenberger, Christoph Stadel and John Everitt, “The Development of Brandon’s Social Areas 1881-1914.”  The Albertan Geographer, No. 21, 1985, 79-95.

Kenneth Coates, William Morrison and John Everitt, eds. Inventory of Archival Material in Western Manitoba Volume One, 1987, (Brandon: Brandon University Press).

John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, eds. Brandon: Geographical Perspectives on the Wheat City, 1988, (Regina:  CPRC).

Kenneth Coates, William Morrison and John Everitt,eds. Inventory of Archival Material in Western Manitoba Volume Two, 1988, (Brandon:  Brandon University Press).

John Everitt, “Husband-Wife Role Variation as a Factor in the Social Space Definition of Farmers.”  Social Science Quarterly, Vol. 69, No. 1, March 1988, 154-176.

John Everitt, “A recreational landscape in southwest Manitoba,” Geographical Perspectives, Number 62, Fall 1988, 55-63.

Glen Bugg, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel “A Typology of Agriculture in the vicinity of Brandon, Manitoba” in Alec H. Paul and Randy W. Widdis (eds.) The Moose Mountain Papers:  Studies by Prairie and Plains Geographers, Regina Geographical Studies, No. 5, 1988, (Regina:  Department of Geography, University of Regina), 24-41.

John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, “The spatial growth of Brandon” in John Welsted (et al.) eds. Brandon:  Geographical Perspectives on the Wheat City, 1988, (Regina:  CPRC), 61-88.

Christoph Stadel and John Everitt, “Downtown Brandon” in John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel eds. Brandon:  Geographical Perspectives on the Wheat City, 1988, (Regina:  CPRC), 123-150.

John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, “The Urban Fringe” in John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel eds. Brandon:  Geographical Perspectives on the Wheat City, 1988, (Regina:  CPRC), 151-175.

Christoph Stadel and John Everitt, “Brandon as a service centre in Southwestern Manitoba” in John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel eds. Brandon:  Geographical Perspectives on the Wheat City, 1988, (Regina:  CPRC), 195-219.

John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, “Conclusion and Outlook” in John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel eds. Brandon:  Geographical Perspectives on the Wheat City, 1988, (Regina:  CPRC), 221-223.

Mark Bekkering, Christoph Stadel, and John Everitt, “Residential Migration and Spatial Mobility of the Elderly in Brandon, Manitoba,” Bulletin of the Association of North Dakota Geographers, Volume 39, 1989: 127-146.

Marilyn Kinnear and Christoph Stadel and John Everitt, “Recreation Homes and Hinterlands in Southwest Manitoba:  The Example of Minnedosa Lake Developments” in R. Keith Semple and Lawrence Martz eds. Prairie Geography, Saskatchewan Geography, No. 2, 1989 (Saskatoon:  Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan), 23-39.

Allison Williams and John Everitt, “An Analysis of Settlement Development in Southwest Manitoba:  The Lenore Extension 1902-1982” in H. John Selwood and John C. Lehr eds. Prairie and Northern Perspectives:  Geographical Essays, 1989, (Winnipeg:  Department of Geography, University of Winnipeg), 87-105.

Dennis Hunt, Christoph Stadel and John Everitt, “Urban Space and Actors:  Post-war suburban trends in Brandon, Manitoba” in H. John Selwood and John C. Lehr eds. Prairie and Northern Perspectives:  Geographical Essays, 1989, (Winnipeg:  Department of Geography, University of Winnipeg), 113-122.

Kenneth Coates, William Morrison and John Everitt, eds. Inventory of Archival Material in Western Manitoba Volume Three, 1989, (Brandon:  Brandon University Press).

Barbara Gfellner and John Everitt, “Older Adults’ Needs and Resources in a Rural Community.”  ERIC/CAPS Clearing House, Resources in Education, ED 314672, 1990.

John Everitt, Robert Annis, and Fred McGuinness, “The Responsibility of Urban Dwellers to Foster Sustainable Rural Communities.” In M.A. Beavis ed. Ethical Dimension of Sustainable Development and Urbanization:  Seminar Papers.  Winnipeg: Institute of Urban Studies, Occasional Paper, 1990, 119-148.

John Everitt and Roberta Kempthorne, eds.  Inventory of Archival Material: Eastern Manitoba Volume Four, 1991, (Brandon:  Brandon University Press).

John Everitt and Kenneth Bessant, “Regional Planning in Rural Manitoba: a study of the ‘health’ of a prairie region,” Applied Geography, Volume 12, 1992: 65-79.

John Everitt and Robert C. Annis, “The Sustainability of Prairie Rural Communities.” Chapter 14 in Ian Bowler, Christopher Bryant, and Duane Nellis eds. Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition. Volume Two: Economy and Society (CAB International), 1992: 213-222.

John Everitt and Alison Gill, “The Social Geography of the Small Canadian Town”.            In L. Bourne and D. Ley eds. The Social Geography of Canadian Cities (Montreal and Kingston: McGill – Queens University Press), 1993: 252-264.

Karen Hamberg, C. Emdad Haque and John Everitt, “Changing the “Throwaway Society”: Waste Management and Recycling in Brandon, Manitoba.” In M. R. Wilson ed. Proceedings of the Prairie Division, Canadian Association of Geographers (Saskatoon: Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan) 1993: 41-58.

Ian Kitch, John Everitt, Gordon Winder and Christoph Stadel, “Peak of the Parkland: A Central Place Analysis of Swan River, Manitoba.” In M. R. Wilson ed. Proceedings of the Prairie Division, Canadian Association of Geographers (Saskatoon: Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan) 1993: 133-151.

John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, “Commercial Stripping in Brandon: The Untold Story.” In M. R. Wilson ed. Proceedings of the Prairie Division, Canadian Association of Geographers (Saskatoon: Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan) 1993: 153-173.

John Everitt and Robert Annis, “The Economic and Social Viability of Indian Reserves in Western Manitoba,” Research Report #36, Centre for Northern Studies (Thunder Bay: Lakehead University) 1994: 16pp.

John Everitt and Barbara Gfellner, “The Effects of migration upon the quality of life of elderly movers in a small Prairie city: the case of Brandon, Manitoba,” Great Plains Research, Vol. 4, February 1994: 89-115.

John Everitt, “A Tale of Two Towns: The Geography of Aging in Southern Manitoba,” Small Town, Vol. 24, No.5, March-April 1994: 4-11.

John Everitt and Barbara Gfellner, Elderly Persons’ Housing in Brandon, Manitoba: Status, Challenges, and Prospects. A Report prepared for the Health Policy Division, Policy Consultation Branch, Health Canada (Brandon: Brandon University Press) 1995: 70pp.

John Everitt, “The growth and influence of railways in Manitoba, 1881-1941.” In C. Stadel and H Suida eds. Themes and Issues of Canadian Geography I Salzburger Geographische Arbeiten, Band 28 (Salzburg: University of Salzburg) 1995: 157-169.

Christoph Stadel, John Everitt and Robert Annis, “Sustainable Micropolitan Communities in the Canadian Prairies.” In R. Vogelsang ed. Canada in Transition: Results of Environmental and Human Geographical Research (Bochum: Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer) 1996: 115-136.

John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, “Manitoba: Geographical Identity of a Prairie Province.” In John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, eds. The Geography of Manitoba: Its Land and its People, (Winnipeg: The University of Manitoba Press) 1996: 1-7.

John Everitt and Barbara Gfellner, “Elderly Mobility in a Rural Area: The Example of Southwest Manitoba,” The Canadian Geographer. Vol. 40, No. 4, 1996: 338-351.

John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, eds. The Geography of Manitoba: Its Land and its People, 1996, (Winnipeg: The University of Manitoba Press).

Karen Hamberg, C. Emdad Haque and John Everitt, “Municipal Waste Recycling in Brandon, Manitoba: Determinants of Participatory Behaviour,” The Canadian Geographer. Vol. 41, No. 2, 1997: 149-165.

John Everitt and Barbara Gfellner (eds.) Determining Seniors Independence: A Participatory Workshop Workshop Paper No. 2 (Brandon: Brandon University Press) 1996: 52pp.

Allison Williams and John Everitt, “The End of the Line: The Life and Death of the Lenore Extension.” In John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, eds. The Geography of Manitoba: Its Land and its People, (Winnipeg: The University of Manitoba Press) 1996: 217-218.

John Everitt, John Welsted and Christoph Stadel “Outlook.” In John Welsted, John Everitt and Christoph Stadel, eds. The Geography of Manitoba: Its Land and its People, (Winnipeg: The University of Manitoba Press) 1996: 316-319.

Kenneth Beesley and Gerald Walker and John Everitt, “Towards an Understanding of the Perception of Rurality: Canadian Perspectives.” In Bryon D. Middlekauff ed. Proceedings, New England-St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society. Volume XXV (Plymouth, New Hampshire: Plymouth State College) 1996: 28-52.

John Everitt and Roberta Kempthorne “Letters from Manitoba: The Early Pioneer Days of a Future Grain-Trade Magnate” in John Welsted and John Everitt, eds. The Yorkton Papers: Research By Prairie Geographers, Brandon Geographical Series No. 2, 1997, (Brandon: Brandon University Press) 25-39.

Krista Loughton, John Everitt and C. Emdad Haque “The Social Geography of Winnipeg’s Wiccan Community” in John Welsted and John Everitt, eds. The Yorkton Papers: Research By Prairie Geographers, Brandon Geographical Series No. 2, 1997, (Brandon: Brandon University Press) 89-99.

Darren Stanger, John Everitt and C. Emdad Haque “Rural Tourism and Regional Development: An Evaluation of the Southwest Trails Association for Regional Tourism (START), Manitoba” in Alec Paul, ed. The Estevan Papers Regina Geographical Studies No. 6. 1997.

John Everitt and Barbara Gfellner (eds.) Determining Seniors Independence: A Participatory Workshop Workshop Paper No. 4 (Brandon: Brandon University Press) 1997: 62pp.

Barbara Gfellner and John Everitt (eds.) The Qualitative Experience of Seniors’ Independence: the Brandon and Westman Region Results Working Paper No. 5 (Brandon: Brandon University Press) 1997: 28pp.

Barbara Gfellner and John Everitt (eds.) Determining Seniors Independence: Focus Groups Report Focus Group Paper No. 2 (Brandon: Brandon University Press) 1997.

John Everitt and Barbara Gfellner (eds.) Determining Seniors’ Independence: A Profile of Brandon and the Westman Region Working Paper No. 3 (Brandon: Brandon University Press) 1998: 67pp. + Appendices.

G. Lee Repko and John Everitt, “Down by the Riverside: Recent Developments Along the Assiniboine Corridor in Brandon”. A Report prepared for Riverbank Inc. (Brandon: Brandon University Press) December 1998: 17pp.

John Everitt “Presidential Address: Manitoba on the Mind – Myths and Realities of a Prairie Province” The Canadian Geographer Vol. 42, No. 2, 1998: 114-129.

N.L. Chappell, M.J. Penning, B. Havens, John Everitt, R. Annis, H. Klein, and B. Kyle “Evaluating support services to seniors and partnering in research.” Home Care Provider Vol. 3, No. 1, 1998: 30-46.

John Welsted and John Everitt, “Water Games: The Location of Water-Based Sports Events at the 1997 Canada Games”. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays Vol. 1, 1998: 93-102.

G. Lee Repko and John Everitt, “Down by the Riverside: Recent Developments Along the Assiniboine Corridor in Brandon”. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays Vol. 2, 1999: 199-213.

John Everitt, “Rurality is dead, long live rurality: Rural and small town life on the Canadian prairies.” In C. Stadel ed. Themes and Issues of Canadian Geography III Salzburger Geographische Arbeiten, Band 34 (Salzburg: University of Salzburg) 1999: 23-42.

Douglas Ramsey, John Everitt, Betty Havens, Fran Racher and Kenneth Bessant Conceptual and operational definitions of rural and remote populations in Canada. (Working Paper #2, SSHRC Grant #828-1999-1029.) Brandon University, Rural Development Institute, 2000.

Mark Rosenberg and John Everitt “Planning for Aging Populations: inside or outside the walls” Progress in Planning Vol. 56, Part 3, 2001:119-168.

Doug Ramsey and John Everitt “Post Crow Farming in Manitoba: An analysis of the wheat and hog sectors.” In Roger Epp and Dave Whitson eds. Writing Off the Rural West (Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta Press and Parkland Institute) 2001: 3-20.

John Everitt “Agriculture and Rural Life in the Prairies of Canada: Evolution or Reinvention?” Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien Band 41, Nr. 1-2, 2002:100-115.

Douglas Ramsey, Robert Annis and John Everitt, “Definitions and Boundaries of Community: The Case of Focus Group Analysis in Southwestern Manitoba”. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays Vol. 5, 2002: 187-201.

Gregory Lewis, John Everitt and Dion Wiseman, “A Spatial Analysis of Crime in Brandon, Manitoba”. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays Vol. 5, 2002: 255-269.

John C. Everitt and R. Douglas Ramsey, “Reviving central Brandon in the early twenty-first century”. The Canadian Geographer Vol. 46, No. 3, 2002: 266-274.

John C. Everitt and R. Douglas Ramsey, “East to Arden Ridge: Cultural Icons and Landscapes of the “Beautiful Plains” region of Manitoba”. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays Vol. 6, 2003: 208-225.

Doug Ramsey, Bob Annis and John Everitt “Rural Community in Westman: Theoretical and Empirical Considerations.” In Raymond Blake and Andrew Nurse eds. The Trajectories of Rural Life: New Perspectives on Rural Canada (Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center) 2003: 1-10.

Frances Racher, John Everitt, Robert Annis, Barbara Gfellner, Kim Ryan-Nicholls, Marian Beattie, Ryan Gibson, and Elicia Funk “Rural Community Health and Well-Being” Chapter 3 In Robert Annis, Fran Racher and Marian Beattie eds. Rural Community Health and Well-Being: A Guide to Action (Brandon University, Rural Development Institute), 2004: 18-37.

John Everitt, Frances Racher and Marian Beattie “Community Action” Chapter 4 In Robert Annis, Fran Racher and Marian Beattie eds. Rural Community Health and Well-Being: A Guide to Action (Brandon University, Rural Development Institute), 2004: 38-60.

John Everitt, “Brandon, Manitoba.” In D.J. Wishart ed. Encyclopaedia of the Great Plains (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press) 2004: 160.

Robert Annis, John Everitt, Deatra Walsh, and Susannah Cameron Exploring Connectivity, Use and Usefulness of Information and Communication Technology in a Northern Community Setting: A Churchill Case Study. The Churchill Connectivity Story Report Prepared for the Churchill Community Network by the BU Rural Development Institute, January, 2005.

Mark W. Rosenberg, Mark W. Skinner, Sarah A. Lovell, John C. Everitt, Neil Hanlon, and Thomas A. Rathwell “Aging across Canada: do small towns really care about their seniors” in C. Palagiano and G. De Santis eds. Geografia dell’Alimentazione, atti dell’Ottavo Seminario Internazionale de Geografica Medica Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Edizioni RUX, Perugia, 2005: 795-812.

Susannah Cameron, Robert Annis, and John Everitt Internet Connectivity in a Northern Setting: A Churchill Case Study. Final Report Prepared for the Manitoba Research Alliance on Community Economic Development in the New Economy (SSHRC Grant No. 538-2002-1010) by the BU Rural Development Institute, September, 2005.

John Everitt, Mike Kolba, and Mark Rosenberg, “Healthy Places? Service provision for seniors in the Prairies.” Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays Vol. 8, 2005: 93-107.

K.L. Mosset, J. C. Everitt and C.D. Malcolm, “An Exploration of Recreation and Tourism in Brandon, Manitoba.” Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays Vol. 8, 2005: 74-92.

D. Ramsey, J. Everitt and L. Behm. “People and hogs: agricultural restructuring and the contested countryside in agro-Manitoba” in S. Essex, A. Gilg, R. Yarwood, J. Smithers and R. Wilson eds. Rural Change and Sustainability: Agriculture, the Environment and Communities. (CABI Publishing: Wallingford, UK) 2005: 48-67.

Susannah Cameron, Robert Annis, and John Everitt, “Internet Connectivity: A Churchill Case Study.” Canadian Journal of Rural and Community Development Vol. 1, Issue 1, 2006: 32-45.

R. Douglas Ramsey and John Everitt “Route-based Tourism Development and the ‘Turkey Trail’ in Manitoba, Canada.” Prairie Forum. Vol. 32, No. 1 (Spring) 2007: 87-110.

R. Douglas Ramsey and John Everitt “Called to the Bar: An historical geography of Beverage Rooms in Brandon, 1882-1968”. Manitoba History 56 (2) 2007: 14-22.

Doug Ramsey, Derrek Eberts, and John Everitt,”Revitalizing Small City Downtowns: The Case of Brandon, Canada” in B. Ofori-Amoah ed. Beyond the Metropolis: Urban Geography as if Small Cities Mattered (Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America) 2007: 221-244.

John Welsted and John Everitt “Geography of Manitoba” in The Encyclopedia of Manitoba (Winnipeg: Great Plains Publications) 2007: 267-270.

John Everitt and Christoph Stadel “Foreword” to Manitoba from the Air: A Geographical Interpretation an e-book. (Brandon: Rural Development Institute) 2008: Chapter 1,

Mark W. Skinner, Mark W. Rosenberg, Sarah A. Lovell, James R. Dunn, John C. Everitt, Neil Hanlon, and Thomas A. Rathwell “Services for Seniors in Small Town Canada: The Paradox of Community” Canadian Journal of Nursing Research: Special issue on In-home and Community Care for Seniors Vol. 40 (1) 2008: 80-101.

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