Dr. Shannon Gadbois
BA (Hons), MA, MEd, PhD
(Associate Professor)
Department of Psychology
Brandon University
Room 1-14, John R. Brodie Science Centre
270 18th Street
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada R7A 6A9
Phone: (204) 727-7306
Fax: (204) 728-7346
eMail: gadbois@brandonu.ca
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. Queen’s University (Cognitive Psychology), Kingston, Ontario, Canada
M.Ed. Queen’s University (Curriculum and Instruction), Kingston, Ontario, Canada
M.A. Queen’s University (Cognitive Psychology), Kingston, Ontario, Canada
B.A. (Hons) Bishop’s University, Lennoxville, Quebec, Canada
- 82:160 Introduction to Psychology
- 82:161 General Psychology
- 82.279 Psychology of Sport
- 82.378 Psychology of Sex and Gender
- 82.388 Human Learning and Cognitive Psychology
- 82:477 The Study of Memory
Please sign up for my classes in a timely fashion. They fill up pretty quickly! Important Note: It is rare that I would waive the prerequisite requirements for my courses.
Research Interests
My research is focused in two broad streams: 1) applied cognition – I am interested in how students think about themselves as learners and how these perceptions are related to what they actually do as they learn and to their subsequent performance; 2) participation in extracurricular activities – I am interested in how individuals who participate in athletic and non-athletic activities think about (and describe) themselves generally (general self-esteem) and with respect to their physical appearance (body esteem). I’ve also conducted research focused on gender issues in academia.
Recent Presentations and Publications
Gadbois, S. A. & Graham, E. (2012). New faculty perceptions of supervision and mentoring: The influence of graduate school experiences. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 5, 44-49.
Gadbois, S. A. & Haverstock, N. (2012). Middle Years Science Teachers Voice Their First Experiences with Interactive Whiteboard Technology. Canadian Journal for Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 12(1), 121-135.
Gadbois, S. A., Bowker, A., Rose-Krasnor, L., & Findlay, L. (2012). Youths’ Most Engaging Activities: What do they learn from these activities? Poster presented at the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, July.
Professional Affiliations
- Canadian Psychological Association
- American Psychological Association
- Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education