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12:173 Introduction to Archaeology and Biological Anthropology

This course examines the question of human origins and the emergence of cultural complexity. A non-technical survey of fossil Hominids and the primates is presented, together with evidence for technological and social developments which has been gathered from archaeological and paleontological sites. Evidence bearing on sex roles, systems of belief and complex social organization is discussed.

12:256 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology

This course will provide a general survey of the discipline of forensic and death investigation in Canada at an introductory level. It provides an overview of the work done by forensic anthropologists in the field, laboratory, and courtroom. Basic concepts pertaining to the recovery of the work and analysis of human remains will be introduced.

12:284 Biological Anthropology

Topics include the evolution of humans, non-human primates, osteology, socio-biology, the physical foundations of social behaviour, human variation and the concepts of “race” and ancestry.

12:363 Human Osteology

A lecture/demonstration and practical laboratory course intended to establish the fundamentals in identification of human bones and a basic knowledge of human skeletal anatomy and function. The techniques learned in this course are the foundation to archaeological, forensic, and paleontological applications.

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12:383 Osteobiography

This course is an in-depth, critical study of the methods used for personal identification of human skeletal remains. Methods to determine age, sex, stature, and other personal identification markers will be covered. These methods are the cornerstones of bioarchaeological, palaeodemographic, palaeoepidemiological, and forensic anthropological research.

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12:442 Juvenile Osteology & Bioarchaeology
12:484 Palaeopathology

This course will provide a survey of the study of disease in past populations and highlight the importance of the relationship between culture and disease transmission. The recognition of disease processes in human skeletal remains and the importance of differential diagnosis will be emphasized. The course will cover a range of pathological conditions in human skeletons such as: non-specific indicators of stress, syphilis, tuberculosis, leprosy, anemia, metabolic disease, arthritis, tumors and trauma. The role of theory and technology in paleopathology and problems associated with assessing disease and health in past populations will be discussed.