Rong-Yu Li
B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Department of Geology
Brandon University
Adjunct Research Professor
Department of Earth Sciences
University of Western Ontario
London, ON N6A 3K7
Academic degrees
B.Sc: Peking University, Beijing, China
M.Sc: Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China
Ph.D: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

Collaboration with Dr. R. Feldmann and Dr. C. Schweitzer (Kent State Universtiy) on a new family, genus, and species of crab (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) of Manitoba, Canada (2007)
Research Focus
- Paleozoic Invertebrate Paleontology (focusing on brachiopods)
- Paleoecology (e.g. drilling predation; ecology of paleocommunity)
- Paleobiogeography
- Paleozoic Extinctions and Changes in Biodiversity
- Research areas include Arctic Canada, Anticosti Island (Quebec), Ontario, Manitoba, South China.
- Quantitative Study on Devonian paleobiogeography of North America. Funded by Brandon University Research Committee (BURC), 2021–2023.
- Comparative study on Devonian brachiopods from Canada and South China and quantitative assessment of paleobiogeography. Funded by the State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011-2012.
- Paleobiogeography and faunal evolution: study of Devonian brachiopods from Manitoba and paleobiogeography of North America. NSERC Discovery Grant, funded by National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, 2006–2009,
- Drilling Predation on Mollusks from the Upper Cretaceous of Manitoba, Canada. Funded by Brandon University Research Committee (BURC), 2007—-2008.
- Ordovician Brachiopod Radiation in South China. A joint research project funded by BURC and the State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2005–2006.
- Brandon University Students Union (BUSU) Work Study Program (a program for supervising/training students on research skills), funded by the BUSU and the Vice President’s (Academic & Research) Office, 2007 & 2008.
A. Refereed book/monograph:
- Li, R.-Y. and Copper, P. 2006. Early Silurian (Llandovery) orthide brachiopods from Anticosti Island, eastern Canada: the O/S extinction recovery fauna. Special Papers in Palaeontology No.76. The Palaeontological Association, London. 72pp.
B. Book chapter
1. Rong, J.Y., Zhan, R.B., Huang, B., Xu, H.K., Fu, L.P. and Li, R.-Y. 2017. Ordovician brachiopod genera on type species of China. In: Rong, J.Y., Jin, Y.G., Shen, S.Z. and Zhan, R.B. (eds.), Phanerozoic Brachiopod Genera of China. Beijing: Science Press, 87-243.
C. Refereed journal publications:
- Wang, Q., Huang, B., Li, R.Y. 2022. A low-diversity, silicified Hirnantia Fauna from Butuo, southwestern Sichuan, on the western margin of Yangtze Platform. Palaeoworld.
- Chen, D., Huang, B., Li, W.J., Li, R.Y., Rong, J.Y. 2021. Late Ordovician (Katian) linguliform microbrachiopods from north-eastern Yunnan, South China. Papers in Palaeontology, pp1-17.
- Huang, B. and Li, R.Y. 2020. The repaired durophagous scar in the shell of a lingulid brachiopod immediately after the end Ordovician mass extinction. Alcherina: an Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 44(2):1-8.
- Rong. J.Y., Harper, D.A.T., Huang, B., Li., R.Y., Zhang, X., Chen, D. 2020. The latest Ordovician Hirnantian brachiopod faunas: New global insights. Earth-Science Reviews, 208. 40pp.
- Zhang, X.L., Wang, Y., Liu, J.B., Rong, J.Y., Li, R.Y., Zhan, R.B., Wu, R.C., Tang, P. 2018. Connecting the marine red beds with the onset of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event: a case study from the Laojianshan Formation of western Yunnan, Sibumasu Massif. Palaeoworld (Elsevier), 27(4).
- Wang, G., Percival, I., Li, R.Y. 2015: Remarks on the pattern of septal insertion in rugose corals. Alcheringa, 39(3): 388-393.
- Zhang, X.L., Wang, Y., Rong, J.Y., Li. R.Y. 2014. Pigmentation of the Early Silurian shallow marine red beds in South China—as exemplified by the Rongxi Formation of Xiushan, southeastern Chongqing, central China. Palaeoworld (Elsevier), 12pp. doi:
- Zhan, R.B., Huang, B., Wang, G.X., Jin, J.S., Liang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y.D., Li, R.Y., Liu, J.B. & Wu, R.C., 2013. Discovery of the late Middle Ordovician Saucrorthis fauna (Brachiopoda) from the Sibumasu palaeoplate, western Yunnan, SW China. GFF, 7pp. Geologiska Fo¨reningen. doi:
- Young, H., Li, R.Y., Kuroda, M. 2012. Silicification in Mississippian Lodgepole Formation, Northeastern flank of Wiliston Basin, Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Earth Science, 23 (1): 1-18.
- Li, R.-Y., Yang, H. R., Zhan, R.-B. 2011. Drilling predation on Scaphopods and other mollusks from Upper Cretaceous of Manitoba, Canada. Palaeoworld, 20: 296-307.
- Zhan, R.-B,, Li, R.Y., Percival, I., and Liang Y. 2011. Brachiopod biogeographic change during the Early to Middle Ordovician in South China. Memoirs of the Association of Australian Palaeontologists, 41:273-287.
- Li, R.Y. 2010. Middle Devonian brachiopods from Arctic Canada and some preliminary results of North American biogeography based on quantitative assessment. Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 21, special issue, p.36-39.
- Li, R.Y. and T. Allen. 2008. Llandovery (Early Silurian) orthide brachiopod associations from Anticosti Island, eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 45: 189-201.
- Feldmann, R., Li, R.Y., Smith, M., and Schweitzer, C. E. 2007. A new family, genus, and species of crab (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) of Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science. 44:1741-1752.
- Li, R.Y. and B. Jones. 2007. Brachiopods from Bird Fiord Formation (Devonian) of Arctic Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 44:1291-1311.
- Li, R.Y. and Jones, B. 2003. Middle Devonian brachiopods from Bird Fiord Formation, Canadian Arctic. Journal of Paleontology, 77(2):243-266.
- Shields, G. A., Carden, G. A. F., Veizer, J., Meidla, T., Rong, J.-Y., and Li, R.Y. 2003. Sr, C and O isotope chemistry of Ordovician brachiopods: implications for the isotopic evolution of seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 67(11):2005-2025.
- Rong, J.-Y., Chen, X., Su, Y.-Z., Ni, Y.-N., Zhan, R.-B., Chen, T.-E., Fu, L.-P., Li, R.Y., and Fan, J.-X. 2003. Silurian Paleogeography of China. In Landing, E. and Johnson, M. E. (eds.), Silurian Lands and Seas: Paleogeography Outside of Laurentia. New York State Museum Bulletin, 439, p.243-298.
- Li, R.Y. and Jones, B. 2002. Communities and paleoecology of brachiopods from Bird Fiord Formation, Canadian Arctic. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 39(10):1485-1503.
- Li, R.Y. and Jones, B. 2002. New brachiopod genera from Bird Fiord Formation (Devonian), Arctic Canada. Journal of Paleontology, 76(4):648-658.
- Chen, X. Rong, J.-Y., Fan J.-X, Zhan, R.-B., Zhang Y.-D., Wang Z.-H., Wang Z.-Z., Li, R.Y., Wang, Y., Mitchell, C. E., and Harper, D. A. 2000. Biostratigraphy of Hirnantian substage in the Yangtze region. Journal of Stratigraphy, 24(3):169-175.
- Chen, X., Rong, J.-Y., Fan, J.-X., Zhan, R.-B., Zhang, Y.-D., Li, R.Y., Wang, Y., Mitchell C. E., and Harper, D. A. 2000. A global correlation of biozones across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 39(1):100-114.
- Chen, X., Rong, J.-Y., Mitchell, C. E., Harper, D. A., Fan, J.-X., Zhan, R.-B., Zhang, Y.-D., Li, R.Y., and Wang, Y. 2000. Late Ordovician to earliest Silurian graptolite and brachiopod biozonation from the Yangtze region, South China, with a global correlation. Geological Magazine, 137(6):623-650.
- Rong J.-Y. and Li, R.Y. 1999. A silicified Hirnantia fauna (latest Ordovician brachiopods) from Guizhou, Sothwest China. Journal of Paleontology, 73(5):831-849.
- Li, R.Y. and Zhan, R.-B. 1998. Heterochrony of Altaethyrella zhejiangensis (Wang) from Upper Ordovician, Zhejiang and Jiangxi Border Areas. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 37(1):108-119.
- Zhan, R.-B. and Li, R.Y. 1998. The discovery of Altaethyrella Severgina 1978 (Late Ordovician Rhycnonelloid Brachiopods) in China. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 37(2):194-211.
- Rong, J.-Y. and Li, R.Y. 1997. Review of the new Supra-ordinal classification of the Brachiopod. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 36(3):378-386.
- Li, R.-Y. 1996: Population Dynamics of Dalmanella testudinaria and Dorytreta longicrura (Brachiopods) from Upper Ordovician, Northwest Guizhou. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica, 35(6):752-765.
- Rong, J.-Y., Li, R.Y. and Kulkov, N. P., 1995. Biogeographic Analysis of Llandovery Brachiopods from Asia with a Recommendation of Use of Affinity Indices. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica. 34(4):428-453.
- Rong, J.-Y., Harper, D.A.T., Zhan, R.-B. and Li, R.Y. 1994. Kassinella-Christiania Association in the early Ashgill Foliomena brachiopod fauna of South China. Lethaia, 27:19-28.
- Yang, Q. and Li, R.Y. 1992. Paleontological Data Management—Strategies in Programming Taxonomic Description. Annual Reports of CAD Laboratory, Institute of Computer Science, Academia Sinica (1991), 263-270.
D. Refereed Conference Presentations/Abstracts
- Qiao, L. and Li, R. Y. 2024. Devonian brachiopod fauna from Manitoba, Canada. 9th International Brachiopod Congress. Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario, June 24-27, 2024.
- Li, R. Y. 2024. Reconstructing food chain/web in Cretaceous Interior Seaway from biotic interactions in a Manitoba community. GAC-MAC-PEG Annual meeting, Brandon, Manitoba. May 19-22, 2024
- Li, R.Y. 2018. Biotic interactions and food chain/web reconstruction of a community from Cretaceous Interior Seaway, Manitoba, Canada: local and beyond. 5th International Paleontological Congress. July 8-13, 2018, Paris, France. Abstract Book, p.206.
- Li, R.Y. and H. Young. 2014. Biotic interactions and food chain/web of a community from Upper Cretaceous of Southwestern Manitoba, Canada. Geological Society of America (GSA) Abstracts with Programs. (Vancouver). Vol. 46, No, 6.
- Li, R.Y. and H. Young. 2013. Drilling predation with examples from Manitoba. Proceedings and Abstract Manual, 4th Manitoba Paleontology Symposium. P. 3-8.
- Sproat, C.D., Jin, J., and Li, R.Y. 2012. The Late Ordovician plaesiomyid brachiopod lineage: Evolution and extinction towards the Ordovician-Silurian boundary. IGCP 591 Annual meeting and 1st Foerste Symposium (Cincinnati).
- Sproat, C. D., Jin, J., and Li, R.Y. 2011. Comparison of the morphology of plaesiomyids across Laurentia during the Ordovician. Canadian Paleontology Conference (Vancouver) Proceedings No. 9. p.44.
- Li, R.Y. and Sproat, C. 2010. Internal structure and life style of Triplesia anticostiensis (Early Silurian) from Anticosti Island, eastern Canada. Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts No. 95 (6th International Brachiopod Congress). P. 67.
- Li, R.Y. 2010. Middle Devonian brachiopods from Arctic Canada and some preliminary results of North American biogeography based on quantitative assessment. International Conference of Geobiology, June 3-6, 2010, Wuhan, China.
- Zhan, R.B., Li., R.Y. and Percival, I. 2010. Brachiopod biogeographic change during the Early to Middle Ordovician of South China. Geological Society of Australia, Abstracts No. 95 (6th International Brachiopod Congress). P. 125.
- Li, R.Y. 2008. Drilling Predation on Scaphopods from the Upper Cretaceous of Manitoba: Prey and Predator. Geological Society of America (GSA) Abstracts with Programs. (Houston).
- Li, R.Y. 2008. Drilling Predation on Scaphopods from the Upper Cretaceous of Russell, Manitoba. 18th Canadian Paleontology Conference (Winnipeg) Proceedings No. 6, p.39.
- Sproat, C. and Li, R.Y. 2008. Triplesia from Anticosti Island, Québec: internal structure and paleoecology. 18th Canadian Paleontology Conference (Winnipeg) Proceedings No. 6, p.50.
- Li, R.Y. 2007. Drilling predation on Dentalium sp. (Scaphopoda, Mollusca) from the Upper Cretaceous of Manitoba. 17th Canadian Paleontology Conference (St. John’s).
- Li, R.Y., Young, H., Smith, M., and Trowell, B. 2007. Hunting for Fossil Crabs in Manitoba. 1st Manitoba Paleontology Symposium.
- Li, R.Y. and T. Allen. 2006. Llandovery (Early Silurian) orthide brachiopod associations from Anticosti Island, Eastern Canada. Geological Society of America (GSC) Abstracts with Programs, Vol.38, No.7.
- Rong, J.-Y. and Li, R.Y. 1998. Changes in diversity and composition of the Hirnantia fauna (latest Ordovician Brachiopods) in South China. p.29. In: Rong, J.-Y, Zhou, Z.-Y. and Chen, X. (eds.): Abstracts and Program for International Symposium on the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (IGCP project No. 410). Palaeoworld, No.10.
- Rong, J.-Y., Chen, X., Ni, Y.-N., Cheng, T.-E., Zhan, R.-B., Li, R.Y., Su, Y.-Z., and Fu, L.-P. 1998. Silurian Paleogeography of China. In James Hall Symposium—2nd International Symposium on the Silurian System, Program and Abstracts, 2, p.83.
E. Non-refereed publications
- Li, R.Y. 2021. The Sixth Mass Extinction. Evolution, 2021 (3):43-50. 第六次生物大绝灭,《生物进化》2021 年第 3 期:43-50.
- Li, R.-Y. 2018. Telling Stories from Fossils. BU Research Connections, October Issue 2(5).
- Li, R.-Y. 1994 (Translation from English to Chinese). Stratigraphic regulation and guidance: A critique of current tendencies in stratigraphic codes and guides (by W. B. Harland). Journal of Stratigraphy, 18(3):236-240
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses
- 42:161 Historical Geology
- 42:162 Our Dynamic Earth
- 42:163 This Old Earth: A Trip Through Time
- 42:272 Environmental Geology
- 42:360 Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- 42:374 Invertebrate Paleontology
- 42:399 Seminar in Geology
- 42:449 Honours Thesis in Geology
- 42:480 Geobiology
- 42:499 Thesis in Geology
Graduate Courses
- 42:680 Geobiology
- 42:699 Advanced Topics in Geoscience