Mary Malainey
Research Interests
precontact Indigenous farming, Manitoba, pipestone, earthworks, archaeological lipid residues, archaeological science, pottery, burned rocks, functional analysis, hunter-gatherers, settlement and subsistence, Western Canada, U.S. Plains States, gas chromatography, mass spectrometry
Brandon University Courses* (2000-2022)
12: 173 Human Origins/Introduction Archaeology and Biological Anthropology
12: 193 Introduction to Artifact Analysis
12: 272 Anthropology of Food
12: 284 Human Animal
12: 290 Archaeology of the Americas
12: 291 Outline of World Prehistory
68: 292 Applied Archaeological Laboratory Analysis (no longer offered)
12: 353 An Introduction to Archaeological Method and Theory
12: 359 Pottery Analysis
12: 393 Zooarchaeology I
12: 394 Zooarchaeology II
12: 441 Rural Museum Archaeological Outreach
12: 454 Introduction to Archaeological Science
12: 475 Advanced Archaeological Method and Theory
12: 498 Thesis
12: 499 Advanced Topics in Anthropology
* many were previously offered through the Department of Native Studies (68)