Recent Publications

Malcolm, C.D. 2023. The importance of museums to rural and small towns in Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Rural and Community Development. 18(2), 84-104.

Malcolm, C.D., M.L. Bravo Olivas & R.M. Chavez Dagostino. 2021. Reported capture, fishery perceptions, and attitudes toward fisheries management of urban and rural artisanal, small-scale fishers along the Bahia de Banderas coast, Mexico. Environmental Challenges, 4, Malcolm Bravo-Olivas & Chavez-Dagostino 2021

Cornejo Ortega, J.L. & C.D. Malcolm. 2020. Touristic stakeholders’ perceptions about the Smart Tourism Destination concept in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. Sustainability, Special Issue: Smart Tourism Innovations, Consumer Behavior, and Sustainable Development, 12, 1741, DOI:10.3390/su12051741. sustainability-12-01741

Chavez Dagostino, R.M. & C.D. Malcolm. 2019. Introduccion. In E. Andrade Romo, M.L. Bravo Olivas, & J.L. Cornejo Ortega (eds), Puerto Vallarta patrimonio, tourismo y desarrollo, Analisis Regional et Tourismo (ART), CUC, Universidad de Guadalajara. p. 13-18. puerto-vallarta-patrimonio-turismo-y-desarrollo-1-17

Chavez Dagostino, R.M., C.D. Malcolm, & J. L. Cornejo Ortega. 2018. Los pescadores  y los operadores de servicios de pesca deportiva. In J.L. Cifuentes Lemus, R.M. Chavez Dagostino, M.L Bravo Olivas, & A.R. Raymundo Huizar (eds), La Pesca Deportiva en la Bahía de Banderas, Analisis Regional et Tourismo (ART), CUC, Universidad de Guadalajara. p. 253-274. Los pescadores y los operadores de servicios de pesca deportiva  – In English

Cornejo Ortega, J.L., R.M. Chavez Dagostino, & C.D. Malcolm. 2018. Whale watcher characteristics, expectation-satisfaction, and opinions about  whale watching for private vs. community-based companies in Bahía de Banderas, Mexico. International Journal of Sustainable Development & Planning, 13(5): 790-804. Whale watcher characteristics satisfactions Bahia de Banderas

Ramsey, D. & C.D. Malcolm. 2018. The importance of location and scale in rural and small town tourism product development: The case of the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre, Manitoba, Canada. The Canadian Geographer, 62(2): 250-265, DOI: 10.1111/cag.12409. ramsey-malcolm-cg-2017

Malcolm, C.D., R.M. Chavez Dagostino, & J.L. Cornejo Ortega. 2017. Experiential and learning desires of whale watching guides versus tourists in Bahía de Banderas, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 22(6): 524-537, DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2017.1367442.Malcolm et al HDW 2017

Rutherford, P.L, C.D. Malcolm, K. Meadows, M. Burke, & S. Pratt. 2017. Chelydra sepentina (snapping turtle) movement and flood response. Herpetological Review 48(3): 619-621. Chelydonia sepentina-24-26

Malcolm, C.D. 2016. Provincial Parks and Protected Areas. In, P. Dearden, R. Rollins, & M. Needham, eds., Parks and Protected Areas in Canada: Planning and Management (4th ed)., Oxford University Press Canada, Toronto, pp. 213-242.

Hollier, B.R., C.D. Malcolm, & M. Dubois. 2016. Comparison of small mammal species in natural versus agricultural habitats at the Brandon Research and Development Centre. Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays, 18: 57-63. Hollier-etal

Bravo Olivas, M.L., R.M. Chavez Dagostino, C.D. Malcolm, & R. Espinoza Sanchez. 2015. Notes on the quality of life of artisanal small-scale fishermen along the Pacific Coast of Jalisco, México. Sustainability, 7: 6046-6068. DOI:10.3390/su7056046. QOL of Artisanal Fishermen

Malcolm, C.D. & D. Ramsey. 2014. Specialization and importance-performance in visitors to a natural history museum: the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre. European Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation, 5(1): 9-34. Malcolm & Ramsey EJTHR 2014

Muirhead, K.A., C.D. Malcolm, & D.A. Duffus. 2013. Marbled murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) foraging with gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) off Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 91: 847-852.Muirhead, Malcolm & Duffus CJZ 2013

Malcolm, C.D., P. Hall, and H.C. Penner. 2011. Behaviour of belugas in the presence of whale watching vessels in Churchill, Manitoba and recommendations for local beluga watching activities. In: Maher, P.T., Stewart, E.J. & Luck, M. (eds.) Polar tourism: Environmental, political and social dimensions. Cognizant Communications: New York. p. 54-79. MalcolmPennerBelugaBoats

Malcolm, C.D. 2010. Conservation implications of birder visitation to Douglas Marsh, Manitoba: expectation – satisfaction levels of birders on commercial trips versus other birders. In: Prairie Perspectives, vol. 11, D. Olsen and D.J. Wiseman, eds. University of Winnipeg Printing Services, Winnipeg, MB. Malcolm 2010