
Receiving the Manitoba Education Research Network (MERN) award for “Outstanding Achievement in Education Research in Manitoba” award at the Manitoba Legislature Building. June, 2017.
My research interests mainly lie in the broad area of educational technology, in particular the effective use of technology for learning, and its relationship to transformative learning. Specific areas of interest are in social learning, especially as it applies to online learning communities and social networking, action research and science/mathematics education.
Some current and recently completed research and writing projects are summarized below.
Students Teaching Students: Introductory Coding With Scratch
This project is a collaborative effort with Brandon teachers M. Di Muro and E. Galatsanou Tellidis. Students in Mr. Di Muro’s computer science classes teach area grade 7 and 8 students how to code using scratch. This study will look at attitudes and dispositions of students in regards to computer science and coding – both those teaching, and those learning and their teachers. Timeline: January 2018 – Summer 2019.
1:1 Computing Initiative in a Rural High School: A Case Study
I am a co-investigator along with Dr. J. Kirk. This proposed research has the goal of investigating the case of a rural high school’s implementation of a 1:1 computing initiative. It seeks to document the process, implementation, successes, challenges, and failures encountered. This project is supported by a $3 000 Faculty of Education Research grant. Timeline: September 2015 – June 2016.
Teacher Change Through Participation in Action Research
This project is in progress within a local rural school division. This project has included a 5 month pilot and will be expanded during my sabbatical in 2015/16. It is funded by a $4 000 BURC grant. The research question is: What type of change, if any, does conducting participatory action research lead to in a teacher’s pedagogical practice and/or perspectives about teaching and learning? What is the nature of this change?
Increasing Numeracy Awareness and Skills for Community and Parents
This project, in partnership with Teresa Vallotton (Numeracy Specialist with Brandon School Division), is funded by an Outreach Grant ($2 600). This project includes a team of BSD teachers and Education students in designing a parent evening focusing on numeracy awareness and skills. Completed
Doctoral Thesis
“Social Media Pedagogy: A Multiple Case Study Approach”
Advisor: Dr. O. Cap, University of Manitoba. Defended: June 2014.
Social Media Pedagogy: A Multiple Case Study Approach (abstract) by mnantais
Download the dissertation here!
VOICE Project with Lakeshore School Division Community Circle
Part of BU CARES VOICE (Vital Outcome Indicators for Community Engagement) Project. I am working, along with Dr. J. Kirk, with the Lakeshore School Division Community Circle on their “Re-imagine Lakeshore” Project.
Faculty Integration of Technology
(with Dr. J. Kirk, Dr. C. Brown, Dr. G. Cockerline, Mrs. D. Forsyth, Mr. C. Gawletz)
Beginning Teacher Candidates’ Use of Digital Technology
This is a longitudinal study examining beginning student teachers’ use, competencies & attitudes with technology. Data collection has been completed and is in the analysis phase. I am a co-investigator for this project. Principal investigator is Dr. G. Cockerline, Brandon University. This project has been presented at several conferences, and has resulted in a ‘best poster presentation’ award, and one published article to date. (article: MERN Journal, p. 50)
Self-Study: Using Social Media in Higher Education
I am involved in a self-study project. This study (in partnership with Dr. J. Kirk) examines methods to engage student teachers in discussions beyond the classroom using social media. This continuing study has been presented at several conferences and has one published article as a result. (article: Proceedings of 9th SSTEP Castle Conference, p. 227)