Many of the slide decks used for presentations can be found on my Slideshare page.
Skyhar, C. & Nantais, M. (2019). Fostering school, university, and community relationships through a family math night. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference (CSSE). June 1 – June 5, 2019. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.

Nantais, M., DiMuro, M. & Galatsanou-Tellidis, E. (2019). Students teaching students: Introductory coding using Scratch. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Annual Conference (CSSE). June 1 – June 5, 2019. University of BritishColumbia, Vancouver, B.C.
Nantais, M., Kirk, J., & Brown, C. (2018). Digital technology as a means to enhance the experiences of students in teacher education: A self-study from three perspectives (round table). Canadian Society for the Study of Education 2017 Annual Conference (CSSE). May 26 – May 30, 2018. University of Regina, Regina, SK.
Galatsanou Tellidis, E., & Nantais, M. (2018). Program a Sphero robot and unlock the fun! Riding the Wave 2018. May 10–11, 2018. Gimli, MB.
Nantais, M., Brown, C., Farrell, A., Kirk, J., & Smith, C. (2018). Engaging students in online synchronous discussions. Education for the World, Education in the World: MADLaT Conference, May 3-4, Universite de Saint-Boniface, Winnipeg, MB.
Kirk, J., & Nantais, M. (2017). Classroom Research to Improve Practice. Workshop presented to staff at Northlands Parkway Collegiate. December 1, 2017. Winkler, MB. (invited)

Nantais, M, Skyhar, C., & Margetts, S. (2017). Promoting numeracy through a family math night. Learners at the Centre : MERN Research Forum, November 3, 2017, Brandon, MB.
Nantais, M., & Galatsanou Tellidis, E. (2017). Beginning coding using Spheros. Manitoba Association for Computing Educators (ManACE) as part of MTS PD Day, October 20, 2017. Brandon University, Brandon, MB.
Kirk, J., & Nantais, M. (2017). A round table about action research as a mechanism for school change. Canadian Society for the Study of Education 2017 Annual Conference (CSSE). May 26 – June 1, 2017. Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.
Nantais, M., & Kirk, J. (2017). A case study of a 1:1 computing initiative in a rural high school. Education in a Digital Age: MERN Research Forum #49, January 27, 2017, Winnipeg, MB.
Nantais, M. (2016). Google, much more than a search engine: Using google apps for teaching and learning. Workshop for Brandon University. November 17, 2016. Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology. Brandon University.
Nantais, M. & Kirk, J. (2016). Classroom Research to Improve Practice. Presented at Learning Information for Teachers (LIFT) Conference, October 21, 2016.
Tycoles, R., Dupre, J., Nantais, M., & Kirk, J. (2016). Increase student engagement through the game of hockey. Twenty-first National Congress on Rural Education: Imagine the Possibilities. March 20 – March 22, 2016. Saskatoon, SK.
Nantais, M. & Kirk, J. (2015). Using Social Media for Teaching in Higher Education. Workshop for Brandon University on behalf of the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. December 3, 2015. Brandon, MB. (Invited)
Martell, J., Peters, L., Kirk, J., Nantais M., Evans R., Johson, L., Willetts, D., & MacNeil, N. (2015). Reimagining Learning Spaces in Schools. Manitoba Association of School Superintendents (MASS) November Conference. November 4-6, Winnipeg, MB.
Nantais, M. (2015). Social Media Pedagogy (poster). Social Media and Society: 2015 International Conference. July 27-19, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.
Nantais, M. & Kirk, J. (2015). Using social media to engage educators in learning (poster). Social Media and Society: 2015 International Conference. July 27-19, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.
Kirk, J., Nantais, M., Osiname, A. (2015). Reimagine Lakeshore: A Reflective Analysis of a School Division Change Initiative. Canadian Society for the Study of Education 2015 Annual Conference (CSSE). May 31 – June 4, 2015. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Kirk, J., Nantais, M., Martell, J., Peters, L., & Osiname, A. (2015). Reimagine Lakeshore: A Mixed Methods Review of a Systemic Change Initiative. Toward Justice: Culture. Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis: 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). April 16 – 20, Chicago, IL.
MacNeil, N., Willetts, D., Kirk, J., & Nantais, M. (2015). Reimagining Facilities to Support Learning. Twentieth National Congress on Rural Education: The Changing Reality of Rural Schools. March 29 – March 31, 2015. Saskatoon, SK.
Goranson, P., Nantais, M., & Kirk, J. (2015). India Through the Eyes of an iPad – Integrating Technology in an Early Years Classroom. Twentieth National Congress on Rural Education: The Changing Reality of Rural Schools. March 29 – March 31, 2015. Saskatoon, SK.
Nantais, M., Kirk, J., & Cockerline G. (2014). Using Social Media for Teaching in Higher Education. MADLaT International Conference 2014. May 1-2, 2014. Winnipeg, MB.
Nantais, M. (2014). Teaching Using Social Media. Manitoba Teacher’s Society conference: Awakening Possibilities. April 16-17, 2014. Winnipeg, MB. (Invited)
Nantais, M. (2014). Teaching With Social Media. Nineteenth National Congress on Rural Education: The Changing Reality of Rural Schools. March 30 – April 1, 2014. Saskatoon, SK.
Martell, J., Peters, L., Kirk, J., & Nantais, M. (2014). Excitement, Energy and Enthusiasm: Lakeshore School Division and the Process of Change. Nineteenth National Congress on Rural Education: The Changing Reality of Rural Schools. March 30 – April 1, 2014. Saskatoon, SK.
Nantais, M. (2014). Using Technology in Training. Presentation to Dr. E. Dowsett’s Training and Development course at Assiniboine Community College, March 27, 2014. (Invited)
Nantais, M., & Reimer, R. (2014). Introduction to SAMR. ManACE Technology Information Night. February 25, 2014. Brandon, MB.
Nantais, M., Kirk, J. & Forsyth, D. (2013). Using Ning in Teacher Education. Presentation to Faculty of Education, December 5, 2013.
Nantais, M. & Kirk, J. (2013). Student Engagement Using Social Media in Teacher Education. Social Media: Implications for the University. May 2013. York University, Toronto, ON.
Nantais. M., (2013). Reflecting back: Would being a connected educator have changed my career as a Principal? Presentation (invited by Mr. R. Fisher) to aspiring education administrators in Thompson, MB. April 23, 2013. (Invited)
Nantais.M., (2013). Using Social Media in the Classroom. Presentation to Middle Years staff at Boissevain School. February 15, 2013. (Invited)
Nantais, M. (2013/2012/2011) Introduction to ICT in Education. Presentation to first year Education students at Orientation. September 2013, 2012, 2011. (Invited)
Nantais, M. & Reddekop, R. (2012). What should beginning teachers know about using ICT as a professional educator? Embracing the Edge. October 19, 2012. Winnipeg, MB.

Nantais, M. & Kirk, J. (2012). Using social media to engage teacher candidates in relevant, timely, and rich learning experiences. Ninth International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices. August 15-19. Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, England. (* note that this presentation was accompanied by a peer reviewed publication)
Nantais, M., Kirk, J., & Gawletz, C. (2012). Social networking for students in higher education.. 11th Annual International MADLaT Conference. May 4. Winnipeg, MB.
Cockerline, G., Nantais, M., & Jardine, L. (2012). Inquiries into technology based course delivery: Lessons learned. 11th Annual International MADLaT Conference. May 4. Winnipeg, MB.
Cockerline, G. & Nantais, M. (2012).Enhancing technology-based course delivery: There is no magic bullet. 17th National Congress on Rural Education. March 25‐27, 2012. Saskatoon, SK.
Nantais, M. & Kirk, J. (2011). Using social media in higher education. Brandon University Teaching Enhancement Conference. September 1, 2011.
Nantais, M. & Cockerline G. (2011). Are we over-generalizing the competencies of the millennial generation?(Poster). 6th International Conference on e-Learning ICEL-2011. June 26-28, Kelowna, British Columbia. [*awarded ‘Best Poster Presentation’ at the conference]
Kirk, J., Nantais, M. & Cockerline, G. (2011). Using social media in higher education: Constructing shared knowledge. Teaching & Learning with Technology Conference, June 14-15. Saskatoon, SK.
Nantais, M., Kirk, J., Brown, C., Cockerline, G., & Gawletz, C. (2011). Teaching with technology: engaging faculty in a process of change. 10th Annual International MADLaT Conference. May 6. Winnipeg, MB.
Kirk, J., Nantais, M. & Brown, C. (2011). Are you connected? Social‐networking in education. 16th National Congress on Rural Education. March 27‐29, 2011. Saskatoon, SK.
Nantais, M. (2011) Social Media & Teens. Presentation to Winkler Parent Advisory Council. March 15, 2011. (Invited)
Nantais, M. & Gamey, L. (2011). Creating a culture of critique, justice & care in teacher education. MERN Research Forum: Transforming Practices for Teaching, Learning and Leading. January 21. Winnipeg, MB.
Cockerline, G., Nantais, M., Kirk, J. & Brown, C. (2011). The [R]evolution of the Internet & higher education: Shifting paradigms. MERN Research Forum: Transforming Practices for Teaching, Learning and Leading. January 21. Winnipeg, MB.
Panel member: “What is Transformative Teaching, Learning and Leading?” at the Transforming practices for teaching, learning and leading MERN Forum held January 21, 2011 in Winnipeg, MB. (Invited)
Presentations of Research on Online Learning (Invited)
December 10, 2009, Southwest School Superintendents (with C. Gawletz).
December 17, 2009, Web Based Contacts Meeting (MB Education) (with C. Gawletz).
Nantais, M. & Kirk, J. (2010). Engaging learners using social networks in teacher education. MERN Research Forum: Education for Sustainability. November 5. Brandon, MB.
Nantais, M. (2010). Setting up a Class/Personal Blog. Presentation to teachers at Boissevain School, October 2010. (Invited)
Nantais, M. (2010). Building an Online Personal Learning Network. Guest presentation in Dr. J. Kirk’s Educational Administration Grad courses (2 courses). September 20, 2010 & September 30, 2010. (Invited)
Cockerline, G. & Nantais, M. (2010). Digital misconceptions: Implications for teaching & learning. SLOAN/MERLOT International Conference. Jul 20th to 23rd. San Jose, CA, USA.
Nantais, M. (2010). Digital Photography: Online tools. Workshop for Faculty of Education, Brandon University, May 14, 2010.
Cockerline, G. & Nantais, M. (2010). Are millennials digital illiterates? Busting the myth about the current cohort of post-secondary students. 9th Annual International MADLaT Conference. May 7. Winnipeg, MB.
Nantais, M., Gawletz, C. & Terry, M. (2010). Lessons learned form practitioners of online learning: an exploratory research study. 9th Annual International MADLaT Conference. May 7. Winnipeg, MB.
Cockerline, G. & Nantais, M. (2010). Millennials: The digital generation – or not? Teaching & Learning with Technology Conference. April 26- 28. Saskatoon, SK.
Nantais, M., Kirk, J., Brown, C., Cockerline, G. & Forsyth, D. (2010). Engaging faculty in discussions about the process of teaching with technology. April 26 – 28. Saskatoon, SK.
Nantais, M. (2010). Personal Start Pages & RSS Readers. Workshop for Faculty of Education, Brandon University, March 10, 2010
Nantais, M. (2009). Digital Technology: Panacea or Pandora’s Box? Public presentation at the University of Manitoba, November, 2009 (as part of a Ph.D. course).
Nantais, M. & Kleebaum, S. (2009). Digital Video Production Workshop. Presented to Teacher Candidates, October 16, 2009
Nantais, M. & Cockerline, G. (2009). Are our students all equally digital native? 8th Annual International MADLaT Conference. May 8. Winnipeg, MB.
Nantais, M. & Cockerline, G. (2009). Digital natives – myth or reality: Issues in teaching ICT literacy. MERN Research Forum #18: Critical Conversations on Teaching & Learning. April 24. Winnipeg, MB.
Cockerline, G. & Nantais, M. (2009). How ICT-Ready are our Teacher-Candidates? MERN Research Forum #17: Science Teaching & Learning. February 7. Winnipeg, MB.
Nantais, M. (2009). iTunes and iTunes store: Yes, they do have educational uses! BYTE 2009: Engaging the 21st Century Learner. February 27. Minnedosa, MB.
Nantais, M. & Kleebaum, S. (2009). The wonderful world of wikis. BYTE 2009: Engaging the 21st Century Learner. February 27. Minnedosa, MB.
Nantais, M. (2008). Introduction to the SMART Board & Notebook 10 Software. Presented to Faculty in the Department of Physical Education, Brandon University, Brandon, MB, December 11, 2008. (Invited)
Nantais, M. (2008). Social Bookmarking. ManACE (Manitoba Association of Computing Educators) Technology Information Night, Brandon, MB, November 26, 2008.
Nantais, M. & Kleebaum, S. (2008). Teaching Skills for the 21st Century. Presentation to Turtle Mountain School Division, Boissevain, MB, September 26, 2008. Co-presented with S. Kleebaum, ICT Leader, Boissevain School. (Invited)