Alireza K. Somarin


Academic degrees

  • B.Sc (Honours): University of Tabriz, Iran
  • M.Sc: Tehran University, Iran
  • PhD: University of New England, NSW, Australia
  • Post-Doc: Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada


Teaching/Academic Experience

  • 2015-Cont.: Professor, Department of Geology, Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba
  • 2009-2015: Associate Professor, Department of Geology, Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba
  • 2006-2009: Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba
  • 2004-2006: Post-Doc, Department of Geology, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
  • 2000-2002: Head of Geology Department, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
  • 1999-2004: Assistant Professor, Geology Department, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
  • 1996-1998: Teaching Assistant, Division of Earth Sciences, University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales, Australia

Research Interests

  • Application of Portable XRF in hard rock mining
  • Application of Portable XRF in oil and gas exploration and production
  • Geochemistry and petrogenesis of plutonic and volcanic Rocks
  • Structural Geology and its impact on natural resources
  • Plate tectonics and evolution of magma
  • Mineral chemistry
  • Ore Deposit Geology
  • Hydrothermal alteration
  • Fluid inclusion studies
  • Stable isotope geochemistry

Selected Publications


Somarin, A.K., 2012. Use of garnet as a mineral exploration tool. In Garnet: Metamorphic History, Composition and Crystallization. Schweitzer, H. and Metzger, J. (eds). Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 225-239.

Somarin, A.K., 2011. Petrography, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Late-Stage Granites: An Example from the Glen Eden Area, New South Wales, Australia. In Earth and Environmental Sciences. Ahmad Dar, I. and Ahmad Dar, M. (eds). InTech Publisher, 137-170.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Somarin, A.K., Rasti, S., Li, C., Guo, X., Guo, D., Fan, Q. 2024. Comprehensive review of the environmental impacts of mining and smelting at the Baiyinchang Cu-Zn-Pb ore deposit, Gansu Province, China, with new inputs from the sulfide compositions. Environmental Reviews, Accepted on 20-Nov-2024.

Somarin, A.K., Zhou, L. Zheng, G., Ma, X. 2024. Hydrothermal mineralization and mineral chemistry of arsenides and sulfarsenides in the Fe-Co-Ni-As-S system and introduction of three unique minerals, Port Radium Deposit, Canada. Minerals, 14, 85,

Ghaedi, F., Taghipour, B., Somarin, A.K., Fazli, S. 2023. Fluid inclusions and REE geochemistry of white and purple fluorite: implications for physico-chemical conditions of mineralization; an example from the Pinavand F deposit, Central Iran. Minerals, 13, 836.

Abidi, R., Slim–Shimi, N., Marigna, C., Somarin, A.K., Renac, C., Deloule, E., Hatira, N., Gasquet, D. 2022. The microbial controls on the deposition of Pb-Zn minerals in carbonate-hosted Tunisian ore deposits. Resource Geology.

Abidi, R., Marigniac, C., Deloule E., Hibsch C., Gasquet D., Renac, D., Somarin, A.K., Hatira, N., Slim-Shimi, N. 2022. Interplay Influence of magmatic and diapiric environments in the mineralized system in Northern Tunisia: the Jb El Hamra Pb-Zn-Hg ore district, northern Tunisia. Mineralium Deposita, 57, 35–60.

Somarin, A.K., Steinhage, I. 2021. Use of field portable XRF in exploration of PGE-enriched zones in the Pilanesberg PGE deposit, Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Geochemistry Exploration Environment Analysis, 21,

Somarin, A.K., Zhou, L., Steinhage, I. 2021. Application of field-portable XRF on Coltan: factory calibration or user calibration? Geochemical Journal, 55, 149-158.

Taghipour, B., Shabani, S., Somarin, A.K. 2021. Geochemistry of platinum-group elements and chromian spinel in the podiform chromitites and associated peridotites of the Nain ophiolites, Central Iran: Implications for geotectonic setting. Acta Geochimica,

Zamanian, H., Dolatshahi, S., Yang, X., Somarin, A.K., Meshkani, S.A. 2021. Geochemical, fluid inclusion and O-H-S isotope constraints on the origin of the Rangraz copper deposit, Central Iran. Ore Geology Review, 128, 103877,

Chang, Z., Dong G, Somarin, A.K. 2020. U-Pb dating and trace element composition of zircons from the ore-bearing magmatic intrusion in Gujiao, Shanxi Province, China: implications for age and iron mineralization of the Guojialiang iron skarn deposit. Minerals, 10, 316,

Somarin, A.K. 2019. Geochemical Fingerprinting of Conflict Minerals Using Handheld XRF: An Example for Coltan, Cassiterite, and Wolframite Ores from Democratic Republic of the Congo, Africa. Minerals, 9, 564,

Abidi, R., Gasquet, D., Hibish, C., Somarin, A.K., Marigniac, C., Slim–Shimi, N., Pironon, J. 2019. P-T-X reconstruction for ore deposits using petroleum-rich fluid inclusions in fluorite: A case study in the Bou Jaber diapir-related Ba-Pb-Zn-F deposit, Northern Tunisia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 159,

Karimzadeh-Somarin, K., Somarin, A.K. 2018. Toxic elements and heavy metals concentrations in playground of elementary schools of Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Environmental Geology, 2, 1-10.

Nejadhadad, M., Taghipour, B., Somarin, A.K. 2017. The use of univariate and multivariate geostatistical analyses in the lithogeochemical ‎exploration, Ravanj Pb-Ba-Ag deposit, Delijan, Iran. Minerals, 7, 212,

Ellahi, S., Taghipour, B., Zarasvandi, A., Bird, M.I., Somarin, A.K. 2016. Mineralogy, geochemistry and stable isotope studies of the Dopolan bauxite deposit, Zagros Mountain, Iran. Minerals, 6, 11,

Nejadhadad, M., Taghipour, B., Zarasvandi, A., Somarin, A.K. 2016. Geological, geochemical and fluid inclusion evidences for the origin of the Ravanj Pb-Ba-Ag deposit, north of the Delijan city, Markazi province, Iran. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, 25, 179-200.

Abidi, R., Slim-Shimi, N., Mariniaque, C., Renac, D., Somarin, A.K. 2015. Potentiality of clay raw materials from Gram area, Northern Tunisia, in the ceramic industry. Applied Clay Sciences, 112/113, 1-9.

Taghipour, S., Kananian, A., Mackizadeh, M.A., Somarin, A.K. 2015. Skarn mineral assemblages in the Esfordi iron oxide–apatite deposit, Bafq district, Central Iran. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 8, 2967-2981.

Somarin, A.K., Breen, W., Arbuckle, B., Katsuragi, C., Mumin, H. 2015. East Mile Lake geology map. In Mumin, A.H., ed., Echo Bay IOCG Thematic Map Series: Geology, Structure and Hydrothermal Alteration of a Stratovolcano Complex, Northwest Territories, Canada; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7807, pp 19 plus 18 geological maps.

Somarin, A.K., Breen, W., Katsuragi, C., Mumin, A., Jones, B., Mumin, H. 2015. Mag Hill – Central Block alteration map with geology. In Mumin, A.H., ed., Echo Bay IOCG Thematic Map Series: Geology, Structure and Hydrothermal Alteration of a Stratovolcano Complex, Northwest Territories, Canada; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7807, pp 19 plus 18 geological maps.

Somarin, A.K., Breen, W., Katsuragi, C., Mumin, A, Jones, B., Mumin, H. 2015. Mag Hill – Northeast Block alteration map with geology. In Mumin, A.H., ed., Echo Bay IOCG Thematic Map Series: Geology, Structure and Hydrothermal Alteration of a Stratovolcano Complex, Northwest Territories, Canada; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7807, pp 19 plus 18 geological maps.

Somarin, A.K., Breen, W., Katsuragi, C., Mumin, A, Jones, B., Mumin, H. 2015. Mag Hill – Southwest Block alteration map with geology. In Mumin, A.H., ed., Echo Bay IOCG Thematic Map Series: Geology, Structure and Hydrothermal Alteration of a Stratovolcano Complex, Northwest Territories, Canada; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7807, pp 19 plus 18 geological maps.

Zamani, R., Emami, M.H., Abedini, M.V., Somarin, A.K. 2015. Petrogenesis of the Eocene post-collisional alkaline volcanism in Meshginshahr, NW Iran. Neues Jahrbuch Fur Geologie Und Palaontologie-Abhandlungen, 275, 285-304.

Somarin, A.K., Mumin, A.H. 2014. P-T-composition and evolution of paleofluids in the Precambrian Mag Hill volcano-plutonic system, Northwest Territories, Canada. Mineralium Deposita, 49, 199-215.

Taghipour, S., Kananian, A., Somarin, A.K. 2013. Mineral chemistry and alteration paragenesis of the Chogart iron oxide-apatite occurrence, Bafq district, Central Iran. N. JB. Geol. Palaont. Abh., 269, 221-240.

Somarin, A.K., Mumin, A.H. 2012. The Paleo-Proterozoic high heat production Richardson Granite, Great Bear Magmatic Zone, Northwest Territories, Canada: Source of U for Port Radium?. Resource Geology, 62, 227–242.

Abidi, R., Slim-Shimi, N., Marignac, C., Hatira, H., Gasquet, D., Renac, C., Somarin, A.K., Gleeson, S. 2012. The origin of sulfate mineralization and the nature of the BaSO4–SrSO4 solid-solution series in the Ain Allega and El Aguiba ore deposits, Northern Tunisia. Ore Geology Review, 48, 165-179.

Abidi, R., Slim–Shimi, N., Gasquet, D., Hatira, N., Somarin, A.K. 2011. Genesis of celestite-bearing cap rock formation from the Ain Allega ore deposit, Northern Tunisia: Contributions from microthermometric studies. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, 182, 427-435.

Abidi R., Slim-Shimi, N., Somarin, A.K., Henchiri, M. 2010. Mineralogy and fluid inclusions study of carbonate-hosted Mississippi valley-type Ain Allega Pb–Zn–Sr–Ba ore deposit, Northern Tunisia. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 57, 262-272.

Mumin, A.H., Somarin, A.K., Jones, B., Corriveau, L., Ootes, L., Camier, J. 2010. The IOCG-porphyry-epithermal continuum in the Great Bear Magmatic Zone, Northwest Territories, Canada.    In Corriveau, L. and Mumin, A.H., (eds.); Exploring for Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Deposits: Canada and Global Analogues; Geological Association of Canada, GAC SCN 20, 59-78.

Somarin, A.K. 2010. Garnetization, a ground preparation process for ore mineralization: evidence from the Mazraeh skarn deposit, NW Iran. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 99, 343-356.

Somarin, A.K. 2009. Ore mineralogy and mineral chemistry of the Glen Eden Mo-W-Sn greisen- breccia system, eastern Australia. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 104, 339-355.

Somarin, A.K., Kissin, S., Heerema, D.D., Bihari, D.J. 2009. Hydrothermal alteration, fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies of the Roby Zone, Lac des Iles PGE Mine, Ontario. Resource Geology, 59, 107-120.

Somarin, A.K., Lentz, D. 2008. A fossil hydrothermal system in the Paleogene Mendejin volcanic sequence, East Azarbaijan, Iran: analysis of phase equilibria, geochemical mass-balance, and fluid evolution. Mineralogy and Petrology, 94, 123-143.

Kissin, S.A., Heggie, G.J., Frankline, J.M., Somarin, A.K. 2007. Sulphide-saturation mechanisms in gabbroic intrusions in the Nipigon Embayment, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 44, 1203-1214.

Mumin, A.H., Corriveau, L., Somarin, A.K., Ootes, L. 2007. IOCG-type polymetallic mineralization in the Contact Lake Belt, Great Bear Magmatic Zone, Northwest Territories. Exploration and Mining Geology, 16, 187-208.

Mumin, A.H., Scott, S.D., Somarin, A.K., Oran, K.S. 2007. Structural Controls on massive sulfide deposition and hydrothermal alteration in the south Sturgeon Lake Caldera, Northwestern Ontario. Exploration and Mining Geology, 16, 83-107.

Somarin, A.K. 2006. Geology and geochemistry of the Mendejin plutonic rocks, Mianeh, Iran. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 27, 819-834.

Malekghasemi, F., Somarin, A.K. 2005. Petrology and origin of chromite mineralization in the Khoy area, NW Iran. BHM Berg-Und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, SpingerWienNewYork, 150, 358-366.

Somarin, A.K. 2005. Petrology and geochemistry of Early Tertiary volcanism of the Mendejin area, Iran, and implications for magma genesis and tectonomagmatic setting. Geodinamica Acta, 18, 343-362.

Somarin, A.K., Liaghat, S., Hosseini, M., Zarasvandi, A. 2005. World Skarn Deposits: Skarns of Iran. Supplementary appendix to: Meinert, L.D., Dipple, G.M., Nicolescu, S. 2005. World Skarn Deposits. In Hedenquist, J.W., Thompson, J.F.H., Goldfarb, R.J., Richards, J.P., eds., Economic Geology 100th Anniversary Volume, Society of Economic Geologists, Littleton, Colorado, USA, 299-336.

Somarin, A.K. 2004a. Garnet composition as an indicator of Cu mineralization: evidence from skarn deposits of NW Iran. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 81, 47-57.

Somarin, A.K. 2004b. Geochemical effects of endoskarn formation in the Mazraeh Cu-Fe skarn deposit in northwestern Iran. Geochemistry, Exploration, Environment, Analyses, 4, 307-315.

Somarin, A.K. 2004c. Marano volcanic rocks, East Azarbaijan Province, Iran, and associated Fe mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 24, 11- 23.

Somarin, A.K., Ashley, P. 2004. Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization of the Glen Eden Mo-W-Sn deposit: a leucogranite-related hydrothermal system, Southern New England Orogen, NSW, Australia. Mineralium Deposita, 39, 282-300.

Somarin, A.K., Moayyed, M. 2002. Granite- and gabbrodiorite-associated skarn deposits of NW Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 20, 127-138.

Somarin, A.K. 2000. Stable isotope studies of the Glen Eden Mo-Sn-W deposit, New England batholith, Australia. CSIRO Research Report, 66-71.

Selected Photos From Research Projects

Part of Andes, Chile

Drilling, northern BC

Research Project, northern BC

Field School, Flin Flon, Manitoba

Great Bear Lake, NWT, Canada

Mapping, NWT, Canada

Helicopter transportation, NWT, Canada

Port Radium, NWT, Canada

Mapping, NWT, Canada

Mapping, NWT, Canada

Use of portable XRF on Coltan, Congo, Africa

Use of portable XRF on Coltan, Congo, Africa



Portable XRF workshop, China University of Geosciences

Advanced Geochemistry course offering, China University of Geosciences