
Academic Associations and Publications

Canadian Association of Geographers

The Canadian Geographer

Royal Geographic Society

The Institute of Australian Geographers

New Zealand Geographical Society

National Geographic

The Association of American Geographers

Remote Sensing/GIS Organizations & Software Vendors

MDA – Geospatial Solutions – Formerly RADARSAT International

PCI Geomatics

Leica Geosystems – ERDAS (Earth Resources Data Analysis System / ERDAS-Imagine)

ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute)

GIS.Com – ESRI Guide to Geographic Information Systems

ASPRS (American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)

URISA (Urban and Regional Information Systems Association)

NCGIA (National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis)

Government Organizations

Natural Resources Canada

Natural Resources Canada – Centre for Topographic Information

Environment Canada

Geomatics Canada

National Airphoto Library

Canada Centre for Remote Sensing

Statistics Canada

United States Geological Survey

Geomatics Careers & Job Sites – the Canadian Geomatics Employment Centre.

Geomatics Canada Jobs Board – includes list of Canadian Geomatics companies and seachable list of potential employers.

Forestry – Forestry careers and employment.

GeoSearch, Inc. – Recruiters in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Computer Science and Related Technologies and Sciences.

GeoWeb Jobs – GIS, RS and GPS related jobs, mostly US.

The GIS Jobs Clearinghouse –  GIS, RS and GPS related jobs, mostly US.

EarthWorks Jobs – Jobs in energy, oil, mining, geoscience, environmental, agriculture, forestry, ecology, meteorology, oceanography, hydrology, soil, GIS and related subjects.

GIS Lounge – One-stop GIS career resources, mostly US, some Internaltional.

GeoJob Source – International GIS jobs listing.

GIS Jobs – GIS jobs, all areas of application, US, Canadian, and International.

Educational Websites

Topo 101 – Topographic Maps, The Basics

Airphotos 101 – Principles of Aerial Photography

What is Geomatics?

What is Geodesy?

What is a GIS?

What is the GPS?

What is Remote Sensing

Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Tutorial

Online Data Sources

Manitoba Land Initiative – Manitoba data warehouse, free.

GeoBase – Canadian data free.

Geogratis – Canadian data free.

GeoConnections – Canadian data free.

National Atlas of Canada – Canadian data free.

Geological Survey of Canada – Canadian geological maps free.

Geography Network – Global and regional data server. – U.S. data portal.

Useful Tools

NANU’s – Active NANU list from US Coast Guard Navigation Center.

CBN – Canadian Base Network (CBN) station information.

Space Weather Canada – The Canadian Space Weather Forecast Centre in Ottawa operated by Natural Resources Canada.

Trimble Planning Software – Free application from Trimble to determine satellite visibility and create plots of DOP over time for a user defined location and date.

Current Ephemeris DataLatest GPS almanac for use with Trimble planning utilites.

Calculate Sun Altitude, Azimuth, Angle Hour – An online application that calculates sun altitude, azimuth angle hour and shadow length factor provided by the National Research Council of Canada.

Convert UTM to/from Lat/Long – An online application for converting between UTM and Geographic (Lat/Long) coordinates provided by Natural Resources Canada, Geodetic Survey Division.

Misc. News, Services and Information Sources

Geomatics Industry Association of Canada – national business association dedicated to serving the geomatics industry in Canada.

Canadian Institute of Geomatics – Founded in 1882, the Canadian Institute of Geomatics has evolved to be a non-profit scientific and technical association devoted to advancing the development of geomatics in Canada.

Canadian Geomatics Industry Technology Roadmap – This site is designed to help Canada’s Geomatics sector identify, investigate and develop new and existing technologies which will be needed to competitively address future domestic and international market requirements.

GeoLinx – GISLinx provides an invaluable resource for all your GIS needs.

GIS World – GIS Canada – News and information service.

GIS Lounge – News and information service.

GeoCommunity – News and information service.