Sample Test Questions – Term Test 2

Note: This is a random sample of the type of multiple choice questions that will be on the exam. None of these questions may actually appear on the exam. Do not use this as your primary means of studying or otherwise preparing for this test.

1) The principal controls and influences of temperature patterns include
A) Earth’s tilt, rotation, revolution, and sphericity
B) latitude, altitude, land-water heating differences, cloud cover, ocean currents
C) land-water heating differences only
D) specific heat only
E) latent heat of evaporation only
Answer: B

2) The single most important control on temperature is
A) latitude
B) altitude
C) distribution of land and water
D) evaporation
E) sun exposure
Answer: A

3) In general, more moderate temperature patterns
A) are created by continentality
B) are exemplified by Winnipeg, MB
C) indicate maritime influences
D) occur in continental interiors
E) are created by variations in altitude
Answer: C

4) Air flow is initiated by the
A) Coriolis force
B) pressure gradient force
C) friction force
D) centrifugal force
E) Bruce Lee
Answer: B

5) If Earth did not rotate, air would flow
A) perpendicular to the isobars, i.e., straight across the isobars
B) to the right of its direction of motion in the northern hemisphere
C) to the left of its direction of motion in the northern hemisphere
D) parallel to the isobars
E) from the west
Answer: A

6) The Intertropical Convergence Zone is characterized by
A) cold, dry rising air
B) cold, dry sinking air
C) warm dry rising air
D) warm, wet rising air
E) stable, unmoving air
Answer: D

7) Air flow in a northern hemisphere high pressure zone is
A) downward, outward and clockwise
B) downward, outward and counterclockwise
C) inward, upward and clockwise
D) inward, upward and counterclockwise
E) downward, inward and clockwise
Answer: A

8) Climate is
A) the weather of a region
B) the short-term condition of the atmosphere
C) the long-term atmospheric condition—including extremes that may occur
D) a reference to temperature patterns only
E) a method for analysing precipitation patterns as affected by global topography
Answer: C

9) An empirical climatic classification is based on, among other factors,
A) the interaction of air masses
B) the origin or genesis of the climate
C) the mean annual temperature and precipitation of an area
D) factors causing a climate
E) the average height of mountain chains
Answer: C

10) The largest portion of fresh water today is located in
A) clouds
B) groundwater resources
C) ice caps and glaciers
D) the major rivers and lakes of the world
E) the atmosphere
Answer: C

11) Surface tension and capillarity are the result of
A) hydrogen bonding between water molecules
B) covalent bonding
C) atomic friction
D) the stickiness of water
E) high humidity
Answer: A

12) Precipitation normally refers to
A) the moisture demand in the water balance
B) water that is transpired by plants
C) rain, sleet, snow, and hail
D) the actual evapotranspiration amount
E) rain only
Answer: C

13) In the water budget, __________ is the major receipt and __________ is the major expenditure.
A) sunshine; radiative cooling
B) outgassing; dissociation
C) precipitation; evaporation and transpiration
D) evaporation and transpiration; precipitation
Answer: C

14) The hydrologic cycle includes water
A) at the surface of the Earth and in the oceans
B) in the atmosphere
C) below Earth’s surface
D) all of the above
E) A and B only
Answer: D

15) Potential evapotranspiration refers to
A) the supply of rain
B) the amount of unmet water demand
C) the amount of water that would evaporate or transpire if it were available
D) the actual amount of water that has evaporated
e) none of the above
Answer: C

16) Water detained at the surface is a form of
A) surplus
B) groundwater
C) deficit
D) precipitation
E) runoff
Answer: A

17) Which of the following types of water is accessible to plants?
A) hygroscopic
B) capillary
C) gravitational water
D) transpired water
E) runoff
Answer: B

18) The line of contact between the zone of aeration and the zone of saturation is known as the
A) water table
B) saturation contact
C) influent line
D) aquiclude
E) potentiometric surface
Answer: A

19) A water-bearing rock stratum is called a(n)
A) water table
B) aquiclude
C) zone of aeration
D) aquifer
E) artesian well
Answer: D

20) The water in a confined aquifer is under pressure of its own weight, creating a pressure level called the
A) artesian water level
B) aquifer recharge force
C) potentiometric surface
D) water table
E) hydraulic force height
Answer: C