Abstract — A Spectroscopic Atlas of the magnetic CP star HR 8216 (A6pCrEuSr) 3830 – 4770

We present a spectroscopic atlas of the sharp-lined, magnetic chemically peculiar star HR 8216 (A6pCrEuSr) based on spectrograms obtained with the long camera of the 1.22-m telescope of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory using a Reticon detector. For the spectral region 3830-4770 the inverse dispersion is 2.4 A/mm with a 2 pixel resolution of \mbox{0.072 \AA}. At the continuum the mean signal-to-noise ratio is 200. The wavelengths in the laboratory frame, the equivalent widths, and the identifications of the various spectral features are given. This atlas should provide useful guidance for studies of similar stars and for atomic physicists interested in improving atomic line parameters. The stellar and synthetic spectra with their corresponding line identifications can be examined at /physics/gulliver/atlases.html