Rhonda L. Hinther
B.A., M.A. (Winnipeg), Ph.D. (McMaster)
Research Interests:
- Oral History, Gender and Women’s History, Labour History and Radicalism, Ethnicity and Children’s History; History of Internment
Teaching Interests:
- Public History, History of Western Canada, Gender and Women’s History
- For a Better World: The Winnipeg General Strike and the Workers’ Revolt. Jim Naylor, Rhonda L. Hinther and Jim Mochoruk, eds. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2022.
- Jim Naylor, Rhonda L. Hinther, and Jim Mochoruk, “Introduction,” “Ch 1 “Strike or Revolution” Redux: The Historiography of the Winnipeg General Strike,” and “The Winnipeg General Strike in the Twenty-First Century” in For a Better World: The Winnipeg General Strike and the Workers’ Revolt. Jim Naylor, Rhonda L. Hinther and Jim Mochoruk, eds. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2022.
- Civilian Internment in Canada. Rhonda L. Hinther and Jim Mochoruk, eds. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2020.
- “‘Likely to Be Hampered and So She Prepared for the Worst’: Far Left Women and Political Incarceration during the Second World War” in Civilian Internment in Canada. Rhonda L. Hinther and Jim Mochoruk, eds. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2020.
- Perogies and Politics: Canada’s Ukrainian Left, 1891-1991. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018.
- Heather Bidzinski, Jodi Giesbrecht, Rhonda L. Hinther, and Sharon Reilly, “Building the Oral History Program at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.” Oral History/Forum d’histoire orale, 37 (2017).
- « L’évaluation formative au Musée Canadien pour les droits de la personne. » Daignault, L., B. Schiele, dir. Les musées et leurs publics : Savoirs et Enjeux, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2014. (Co-authored article)
- Re-imagining Ukrainian Canadians: History, Politics, and Identity. Rhonda L. Hinther and Jim Mochoruk, eds., Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011.
- “Generation Gap: Canada’s Postwar Ukrainian Left,” in Re-imagining Ukrainian Canadians: History, Politics, and Identity, Rhonda L. Hinther and Jim Mochoruk, eds., Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011.
- “Raised in the Spirit of the Class Struggle: Children, Youths, and the Interwar Ukrainian Left in Canada,” Labour/Le Travail, no. 60 (2007): 43-76.
- “’They Said the Course Would Be Wasted On Me Because I Was A Girl’: Mothers, Daughters, and Shifting Forms Of Female Activism in the Ukrainian Left in Twentieth-Century Canada,” Atlantis 32, no. 1 (2007): 100-110.
- “The Oldest Profession in Winnipeg: The Culture of Prostitution in the Point Douglas Segregated District, 1909-1912,” Manitoba History, no 41 (2001): 2-13.
Works in Progress
- “Representing Sex Worker Histories in North American Brothel Museums”
- “‘Thoroughly impregnated with Bolshevik philosophy…and being a capable organizer’: Annie Buller’s WWII Incarceration and Almost Internment”
- Love in the Time of Internment: One Anti-Fascist Extended Family’s Experience in WWII Canada
Courses Taught:
54.155 Canada to Confederation
54.156 Canada Since Confederation
54.250 Introduction to Public History
54.271 History of the Canadian West since 1885
54.351 Museums
54.365 Canada: WWII to the Present
54.371 Oral History
54.389 Comparative Social History
54.441 History of Sexuality in Canada
54.499 Topics in History