Published Works
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles – INTERNATIONAL
Lam, M. (2024). Conductor and Cobbler: Leadership Lessons from Large-Scale Research Partnership Facilitation. Journal of Participatory Research Methods.
Graham, J. M., Jones, C., Lam, M. (2024). The intersections and invisibilities of rurality, houselessness, and health. International Journal on Homelessness.
Lam, M., Spence, S., Mayuom, A., Humphreys, D., & Osiname, A. (2023). Diminishing defensiveness in anti-racist discourse: Common pushbacks to online anti-racism content and suggestions for strategic maneuvers. Equity in Education & Society, 1-13.
Lam, M., Humphreys, D., Maltais-Laponte, G., Mayuom, A., Spence, S. (2023). The realities of racism: Exploring attitudes in Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 45(4).
Lam, M. (2023). Viral videos to combat viral vitriol: Methodological considerations for ethical engagement. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.
Jones, C., Graham, J. M., Lam, M., Stone, G., Brickner, D. (2023). Understanding the roots and routes of houselessness in rural contexts. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 18(4).
Lam, M. & Mayuom, A. (2022). Promising practices and constraining factors in community-engaged research. Research Ethics.
Lam, M. (2022). Rurality, Identity, and Motivations for Tackling Climate Change (or Not): A Duoethnography. Environmental Education Research.
Lam, M. (2021). “It’s cold here”: Lessons learned from the welcome perceived by newcomers to Brandon, Manitoba. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education.
Lam, M. (2021). Race, relational dynamics and anxious adjustments: The complexities of identities in relation to one another. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 1–8.
Lam, M. (2020). Understanding the effectiveness of an anti-racist educational intervention. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 20(13).
Ellis, T. F., Kouritzin, S., Lam, M., Azzahrawi, R., Kolomic, E., Osiname, A., Sagenes, E., & Saleheen, S. (2020). Revisiting radical diversality: A philosophy of inclusion premised on the selective rejection of origins. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 18(1), 1–11. https://10.1080/14767724.2020.1711709
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles – NATIONAL
Smith, N., Graham, J. M., Waddell-Henowitch, C., De Moissac, D., & Lam, M. (2023). Post-secondary student belonging in a virtual learning environment during COVID-19. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 52(3), 73–84.
Lam, M. (2022). Introduction by the Guest Editor. BU Journal of Graduate Studies in Education, 14(5).
Lam, M. (2022). Tap, Tap, Tap. BU Journal of Graduate Studies in Education, 14(5).
Lam, M. (2020). Adjustments. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 12(2), 74–75.
Lam, M. (2020). Censored. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 12(2), 23–24.
Lam, M. (2020). Uncensored. Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry, 12(2), 25–26.
Lam, M. (2019). Effects of Canada’s increasing linguistic and cultural diversity on educational policy, programming and pedagogy. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education, 14(2), 16–32.
Lam, M. (2019). Language education for newcomers in rural Canada: Needs, opportunities, and innovations. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 14(1), 77–97.
Lam, M. (2018). “I put myself in my parents’ shoes”: Dignity and dehumanization in EAL classrooms. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education/ Revue Canadienne Des Jeunes Chercheures et Chercheurs En Éducation, 9(2).
Lam, M. (2018). “We can’t paint them with one brush”: Creating opportunities for learning about refugee integration. Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, 34(2), 103–112.
Edited Books
Farrell, A., Skyhar, C., & Lam, M. (2022). Teaching in the Anthropocene. Canadian Scholars / Women’s Press.
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters in Edited Books
Lam, M. & Humphreys, D. (2024). The importance of place in anti-oppressive practice, 2nd ed. In B. Jeffrey & N. Novik (Eds.), Rural and northern social work practice: Examples within a Canadian context, 2nd Ed (pp. 16-31). University of Regina Press.
Lam, M. (2024). Suppression for the sake of survival: Multisectoral rural voices on belonging and anti-racism. In V. Tavares & M. Dodman (Eds.), Reconstructions of Canadian Identity. University of Manitoba Press.
Stouffer, J., Kasamali, Z., Di Muro, M., Lam, M., Watson, E (2023). Transactions of online literacy: Ethical relationality, ICT, and critical reading skills in the post-truth era. In L. Parker (Ed.), Education in the Age of Misinformation. Springer Nature.
Lam, M. & Humphreys, D. (2022). The importance of place in anti-oppressive practice. In B. Jeffrey & N. Novik (Eds.), Rural and northern social work practice: Canadian perspectives (pp. 16-31). University of Regina Press.
Lam, M. (2022). Promoting understanding and equity in rural Canada: The role of community education. In C. Banack & D. Pohler (Eds.), Building inclusive communities in rural Canada (pp. 179-198). University of Alberta Press.
Farrell, A., Stone, G., Skyhar, C., & Lam, M. (2022). Learning to Teach on the Edge of the Anthropocene. In A. Farrell, C. Skyhar, & M. Lam (Eds), Teaching in the Anthropocene (pp. xiii-xix). Canadian Scholars / Women’s Press.
Lam, M. (2022). Looking the gift horse in the mouth: Climate refugees and the role of education in promoting inclusivity. In A. Farrell, C. Skyhar, & M. Lam (Eds.), Teaching in the Anthropocene (pp. 326–343). Canadian Scholars / Women’s Press.
Lam, M., Skyhar, C., Farrell, A., Stone, G. (2022). Children’s voices calling us to action at the edge of the Anthropocene. In A. Farrell, C. Skyhar, & M. Lam (Eds.), Teaching in the Anthropocene (pp. 449–454). Canadian Scholars / Women’s Press.
Kelly, W., Lam, M., Letkemann, A., Arksey, A., & Bullock, R. (2021). State of Rural Canada—Manitoba. In K. Rich, H. Hall, & G. Nelson (Eds.), State of rural Canada 2021: Opportunities, recovery, and resiliency in changing times (pp. 44–53).
Lam, M. (2016). Can you ruin a good joke? In J. Rucynski (Ed.), New ways in teaching with humor (pp. 161–164). TESOL Press.
Lam, M. (2014). Example lessons for teaching idioms around the world. In P. Mcpherron & P. T. Randolph (Eds.), Cat got your tongue? Teaching idioms to English learners (pp. 153–156). TESOL Press.
Thesis / Dissertation
Lam, M. (2021). Friendly Manitoba? A Brandon case study on welcoming newcomers outside the big city [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Manitoba].
Research Reports
Moura, G., Lam, M., Di Muro, M., Berg, K., Kirk, J., Miranda, S., Osiname, A., Watson, E. (2024). Employing Zoom in Hybrid Community-Based Research. BU CARES Research Centre.
Lam, M., Berg, K., Di Muro, M., Kasamali, Z., Kirk, J., Miranda, S., Moura, G., Osiname, A., Watson, E. (2024). Depolarization for Schools, Community Organizations, and Relationships: Research Report. BU CARES Research Centre. 16.
Spence, S., Breedon, N., Lam, M. Hardy, B., Poitras Pratt, Y., Forsythe, L., Di Muro, M., Watson, E., Kelly, W. (2024). Myera Virtual Farm: MiniU Observation Report. BU CARES Research Centre. 18.
Moura, G., & Lam, M. (2024). Innovative Approaches to Research in the Pandemic: Exploring the Potential of Large-Scale Online Community-Based Research Platforms Interim Report. BU CARES Research Centre. 36.
Hack, M., Spence, S., Lam, M. Hardy, B., Poitras Pratt, Y., Forsythe, L., Di Muro, M., Watson, E., Kelly, W., Breedon, N. (2024). A Comprehensive Review of Extended Reality Literature and Projects: Empowering Indigenous Education. BU CARES Research Centre. 18.
Lam, M. (2023). Anti-Racism Films Final Report. BU CARES Research Centre. 33.
Lam, M., Humphreys, D., Mayuom, A., Spence, S. (2022). Community Voices Board Talks: Diversity in Governance Final Report. BU CARES Research Centre. 36.
Skyhar, C., Graham, J. M., Lam, M., Stone, G. (2022). Roots and Routes of Rural Homelessness: A Manitoba Study. BU CARES Research Centre. 60.
Lam, M., Humphreys, D., & Maltais-Laponte, G. (2022). Le Racisme, Les Préjugés, et La Discrimination au Manitoba. BU CARES Research Centre. 38.
Lam, M., Humphreys, D., Mayuom, A., Spence, S., & Stone, G. (2021). Report on the Community Voices: Inclusivity and Anti-Racism event in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. BU CARES Research Centre. 41.
Nantais, M., DiMuro, M., Kelly, W., Kirk, J., Lam, M., Ofwono, N., & Spence, S. (2021). Digital policy, infrastructure, procedures and practices of select rural and Northern Manitoba school divisions: Final report. BU CARES Research Centre. 37.
Lam, M., Humphreys, D., & Maltais-Laponte, G. (2021). Racism, bias, and discrimination in Manitoba: Survey report. BU CARES Research Centre. 38.
Nantais, M., Kelly, W., Kirk, J., Lam, M., Ofwono, N., & Spence, S. (2021). Digital policies, infrastructure, procedures, and practices of select rural and Northern Manitoba school divisions: Interim brief phase one. BU CARES Research Centre. 18.
Lam, M. (2020). Brandon School Division educating during COVID-19: Challenges and successes survey final report. BU CARES Research Centre. 21.
Lam, M. (2020). Brandon School Division teacher/employee survey final report. BU CARES Research Centre. 35.
Lam, M. (2020). Brandon School Division parent/caregiver survey final report. BU CARES Research Centre. 28.
Lam, M., Kirk, J., Ofwono, N., & Walters, A. (2020). Tech Manitoba digital literacy final report. BU CARES Research Centre. 19.
Lam, M., Rempel, K., Cronkite, M., Delbridge, N., Graham, J. M., & Mowbray, A. (2017). 2012–2016 trends and projections of Westman Immigrant Services. 53. Brandon, MB.
Curricular Material
Mayuom, A., Spence, S., Humphreys, D., & Lam, M. (2022). Anti-Racist Education Facilitation Guide. BU CARES Research Centre. 28.
Lam, M. (2017). Refugee journeys: Identity, intersectionality, and integration. Birdlight Games.
Public Scholarship (Op-Eds, Briefs, & Media Appearances)
Lam, M. (2024). Getting to know BU CARES. Research Connection Brief.
Lam, M., Spence, S., Mayuom, A., Humphreys, D., Maltais Lapointe, G., Osiname, A. (2023). Combatting racism through film and social media. Research Connection Brief.
Stouffer, J., Di Muro, M., Kasamali, Z., Lam, M., Watson, E. (2022). Relational transactions of online literacy. Research Connection Brief.
Stone, G., Skyhar, C., Graham, J., Lam, M. (2022). Rural homelessness: Roots and routes in Manitoba. Research Connection Brief.
Graham, J. M., Smith, N., Waddell-Henowitch, C., de Moissac, D., & Lam, M. (2022). Belonging and well-being of Brandon University students during Covid-19 Research Connection Brief.
Humphreys, D., Mayuom, A., Spence, S., & Lam, M. (2022). Viral vitriol: Using online platforms to promote peace. Research Connection Brief.
Lam, M., Spence, S., Mayuom, A., & Ofwono, N. (2021). Orange shirt day messages. Research Connection Brief.
CBC Radio (2021, January). A Brandon University researcher is collecting stories of racism as part of a new study [interview].
CBC Winnipeg News (2021, January). Anti-racism research [interview].
Bergen, R. (2021, January). Researcher aims to combat racism by highlighting stories of discrimination in Manitoba. CBC Manitoba News.
Wong, N. (October, 2020). Brandon University gets federal support to study racism in Manitoba. Winnipeg Sun.
Rutgers, S. (January, 2021). Researcher elicits individuals’ experiences to battle racism. Winnipeg Press.
Nantais, M., Kelly, W., Kirk, J., Lam, M., Di Muro, M., Ofwono, N., & Spence S. (2021). Digital realities of Manitoba school divisions. Research Connection Brief.
Lam, M. (2021). Researching racism in Manitoba. Eye Witness Magazine.
Kirk, J., & Lam, M. (2021). Stories from the airwaves: Lessons about leading and learning from a four-part podcast series on education and the pandemic. Canadian Association of Principals.
Lam, M. (2020). Researching racism in Brandon [Editorial]. Brandon Sun.
Moore, S. (2020, October). Deconstructing privilege. UM Today.
Lam, M. (2019). Pieces for peace. Research Connection Brief.
*Lam, M. (2019). Decolonizing forced migration research [Peer-reviewed discussion series]. Emerging Scholars and Practitioners on Migration Issues (ESPMI) Network.
Lam, M. (2019, March). Newcomers in rural Canada: Lived experiences in education and integration. Rural Policy Learning Commons: Emerging Rural Research.
CBC Radio (2019, September). Peace Days and the Refugee Journeys Board Game [interview].
Lam, M. (2018). Playing this board game will challenge your ideas about refugees. The Conversation.
Lam, M. (2018). Newcomer integration and educating Canadians [Rural Policy Learning Commons (RPLC/CAPR)]. 6.
Lam, M. (2018, April). Researcher profiles: Michelle Lam. University of Manitoba Graduate Student Association.
Lam, M. (2018, May). Doctoral research and activities at the University of Manitoba. Grad Talks, UMFM [interview].
Fourie, S. (2017, April). Expanded perspectives: TESOL training at ACC. Learning for a lifetime.
Online Resources
Lam, M., Jones, C., & Farrell, A. (2024, October). Women on Fire: The Power of Menopausal
Women. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M. & Waddell-Henowitch, C. (2024, October). It Happened to Me and It’s Not Okay:
Addressing Sexualized Violence and Creative Knowledge Mobilization. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M. & Ardelli, B. (2024, October). Women in Science: Challenging Stereotypes. Leaning In
and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M., Kirk, J., Herron, R., & Orth, M. (2024, September). Healthy Ageing, Public
Education, and Health Checks. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Watson, E., Johnson, G., Braun, J., & Li, W. (2024, September). Philosophy
of Science. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M., Kirk, J., Wilson, N., Moura, G., Flaig, N. (2024, June). Making Classrooms and
Schools a Place for Pride: Honouring Students’ Ways of Knowing and Being. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Anyichie, A., Adewumi, M., Okudo, C. (2024, April). Building a Safe Community and Sense of Belonging for Canadian Students of African Descent: A Conversation with Loy Excellentia Initiative. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Watson, E., & Sarkonak, C. (2024, March). Ungrading in Action: Transforming High School Physics and Post-Secondary Education. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M., Kirk, J., Jones, C., Seeley, J., & Willows, J. (2023, December). Rural Roots: Cultivating Strength in Education. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M., Kirk, J., Ngokobi, W., & Okudo, C. (2023, November). Building a Beloved Community. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk J., Lam, M., Banack, C., Epp, R., Hirsch, S., Borri-Anadon, C., Henderson, P., Reimer, S. (2023, October). Building Inclusive Rural Communities. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M. & Saunders, K. (2023, October). Women’s History Month: Métis Women and Politics. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M. & Wood, L. (2023, October). Women’s History Month: Inequities in the Arts and Research Creation. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M., & McLachlan, L. (2023, October). Women’s History Month: Researching Pandemic Inequities in Accounting Academia. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M., Kirk, J., Morris, J., Polasek, T. (2023, June). Dystopian Literature as Invitation to Hope. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J. Lam, M., Couros, A., Seeland, J. (2023, May). Artificial intelligence and ChatGPT in education. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M., Kirk, J. Funk, S., Bromley, C. (2023, January). Community-based practicum, leadership, and inter-agency collaboration. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Jones, C., Halcrow, F. (2022, November). Routes and roots of rural homelessness. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M., Kirk, J., Naidoo, E., Osiname, A. (2022, November). Immigrant settlement, education, & employment in Manitoba. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Hannem, S., Schneider, C. (2022, October). Defining sexual misconduct. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M., (Executive Producer), Mayuom, M., (Writer), Luong, Q. (Director). (2022). In search of a better life: Anti-racism education film.
Lam, M., (Executive Producer), Mayuom, M., (Writer), Rahman, N., (Director and Writer), Rahman, S. (Director and Writer). (2022). Can’t dim my light: Anti-racism education film.
Lam, M., (Executive Producer), Mayuom, M., (Writer), Taiwo, B. (Director), Ero, A. (Producer). (2022). Choices you don’t make: Anti-racism education film.
Lam, M., (Executive Producer), Mayuom, M., (Writer), Spence, S., (Writer), Brightnose, D., (Director and Writer), Carpenter, T. (Director). (2022, June). Friendly Manitoba: Anti-racism education film.
Lam, M., Kirk, J., Kasamali, Z., & Okemow, R. (2022, April). Healing and remembering other ways to live. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M., & Moura, G. (2022, April). Social justice series – 12 Episodes. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Watson, E., Lee, A., Lam, M., & Kirk, J. (2022, March). Disinformation and science education. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M. (2022, January). Resources for researchers [3-part series]. BU CARES YouTube Tutorials, Brandon University.
Smith, C., Grona, S., Moura, G., Lam, M., & Kirk, J. (2021, December). Rural remote learning in Western Manitoba. Leaning in and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Anyichie, A., & Frangi, S. (2021, November). Culturally responsive pedagogy. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M., Kirk, J., Di Muro, M., & Spence, S. (2021, September). Digital realities in rural school divisions. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Ofwono, N., & Svistovski, R. (2021, July). What we learned in a year of pandemic education. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Cronin, D., Kirk, J., Lam, M., & Tacan, K. (2021, July). Ethical storytelling. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Blaine, C., Kirk, J., Lam, M., & Waddell, C. (2021, June). Sexually exploited children and youth. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M. (2021, April). NVivo for beginners [3-part series]. BU CARES YouTube Tutorials, Brandon University.
Clarke, M., Constant, L., Constant, P., Dumas, D., Ehman, B., Fontaine, B., Kirk, J., Lam, M., Lathlin-Scott, S., McGillivary, K., & Ntelioglou, B. (2021, March). Revitalizing Indigenous languages. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Macfarlane, K., & Ng-A-Fook, N. (2021, February). Equity in schools. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., & Senchuk, J. (2020, December). Stress and burnout. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Denbow, A., Kirk, J., Lam, M., Mason, H., & Peloquin, M. (2020, October). Teaching during the pandemic. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Caldwell, D., Keown, M., Kirk, J., & Lam, M. (2020, October). All about podcasting. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Fraijo, B., Kirk, J., Lam, M., & Roberts, B. (2020, October). Tales from the kitchen table: All about homeschooling. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Bachewich, L., Duncan, H., Kirk, J., Lam, M., & Sinclair, N. (2020, October). Indigenizing education. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., & Lam, M. (2020, October). Kids talk back to school. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Farrell, A., Gilleshammer, S., Kirk, J., & Lam, M. (2020, June). Leadership during times of crisis. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Perry, B., & Thompson, N. (2020, June). Racism on the prairies. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Couros, A., Kirk, J., Lam, M., Nantais, M., & Thompson, K. (2020, June). The tech gap. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Keith, D., Kirk, J., Lam, M., & Stouffer, J. (2020, May). Pandemic literacy assessment. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Ntelioglou, N., & Skuce, T. (2020, May). Reimagining education in light of COVID-19. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Herron, R., Kirk, J., Lam, M., & Whitfield, R. (2020, March). Rural men’s mental health. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Eberts, E., Kirk, J., Lam, M., & Mihelakis, E. (2020, February). French language learning in Brandon [2-part series]. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Gasparini, C., Kirk, J., Lam, M., & McPherson, N. (2020, January). Housing and homelessness in Brandon, Manitoba. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Lane, B., & Smid, D. (2020, January). All about bees. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Karpa, J., Kirk, J., Lam, M., & Lawrence, B. (2020, January). Mental health and families. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Allan, J., Kirk, J., Lam, M., & Lee, S. (2019, December). Researching romance. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Sagenes, E., & Smith, C. (2019, December). Teacher-led learning teams. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Forbes, S., Kirk, J., Krentz, J., Lam, M., & Lee, B. (2019, December). Not just for muscle! Creatine supplementation and fat loss in older adults. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Douglas, P., Hamm, A., Kirk, J., & Lam, M. (2019, December). Autism and ways of being. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Ford, J., Kirk, J., Lam, M., & Ntelioglou, B. (2019, December). English language learners in classrooms. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Mason, C., & Navid, C. (2019, December). Sexualized violence on campuses. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Mandziuk, P., & Skuce, T. (2019, November). Finish him! Hockey, masculinity, and culture [2-part series]. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Lam, M., Stouffer, J., & Sutherland, K. (2019, November). Effective reading instruction. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Farrell, A., Kirk, J., Lam, M., & McAuley, D. (2019, October). Leadership and conflict [2-part series]. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Kirk, J., Nantais, M., Lam, M., & Mead, A. (2019, October). To friend or not to friend: Teachers and students on social media. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Hamilton, G., Kirk, J., Nantais, M., & Lam, M. (2019, October). Cell phones and the classroom. Leaning In and Speaking Out Podcast, Brandon University.
Lam, M., & Osiname, A. (2023). Immigrant employment in Brandon, MB. Infographic.
Lam, M. & Watson, E. (2022). Indigenous knowledges in STEM education. Infographic.
Lam, M., (2021). Digital realities of Manitoba school divisions. Infographic.
Lam, M. (2020). Brandon School Division Teacher/Employee Survey. Infographic.
Lam, M. (2020). Brandon School Division Parent/Caregiver Survey. Infographic.