Presentation Grading

This presentation is worth 20% of your final mark and will be evaluated based on the following three criteria:


Content – 10 pts Score
an appropriate amount of relevant and accurate information has been provided 0    ½    1     1½     2
key terms have been defined and important concepts clearly explained 0    ½    1     1½     2
appropriate figures, diagrams, illustration, maps, etc. have been included 0    ½    1     1½     2
factual information and other content (i.e. figures, tables, illustrations, etc.) has been adequately cited 0    ½    1     1½     2
a list of properly formatted references has been included 0    ½    1     1½     2
Organization – 6 pts
information has been presented in a logical, well-organized manner 0    ½    1     1½     2
text and other content (figures, tables, diagrams, etc.) are well prepared 0    ½    1     1½     2
the presentation was given in the allotted time provided 0    ½    1     1½     2
Comprehension – 4 pts.
the speaker clearly understands the material being presented 0    ½    1     1½     2
the speaker is able to answer reasonable questions 0    ½    1     1½     2