Environmental Science Methods

Course Prerequisite

Any Faculty of Education curriculum methods course.


Course Overview

This course is meant to provide students with the background skills and knowledge to teach in, for, and about the environment.


Mastery Grade Scale

The final grade for this course will be based on a mastery scale, either Pass or Fail.


Required Assignments

The assignments for the course revolve around three general themes:

  • Developing a skill-set to teach beyond the four walls;
  • Conducting a field trip related to environmental course outcomes;
  • Developing environmentally appropriate curricula.

During the first 5 weeks of the course (pre-practicum), emphasis will be on Skills and Resources.  After the practicum block, the emphasis of the course will center on the development of an environmentally appropriate curriculum project.


Attendance Warning

Be forewarned!  A significant portion of the assessment for this course is experiential, based on participation in field trips and school site activities.  These form an essential part of the course and there is no “make up” for not being part of these experiences.  An absence related to these activities may well be detrimental to your final grade!



NAAEE Standards

UNESCO International Education Program