***Lab News***
December 2024: Congratulations to all authors of the YWHAB project. It is published in the journal ‘Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy (Dove Med Press)’. 2024, Dec 14;16:935–956. doi: 10.2147/BCTT.S479384. The video abstract is here.
November 2024: We are grateful for the generosity of Brandon University alumni Carmen and Gerald Butler for supporting our Breast Cancer Research with the Butler Family Foundation annual donation.
October 2024: This is a very prestigious Honour for a Trainee when competition is steep, and you win on a global RNA platform! Congratulations, Reid!
September 3, 2024: Congratulations, Carter Williamson, for receiving CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s (CGS M) 2024 . A prestigious accolade to motivate you as a graduate student.
June 17, 2024: We celebrate Shamima Nasrin Anonna, an MSc student in BCCMRL, for receiving the Research Manitoba MSc studentship. This is very competitive and even harder for an international student to compete. Well done Anonna. We are proud of you.
ResMB: https://researchmanitoba.ca/in-their-own-words-2024-trainee-award-winners/
BU news: https://news.brandonu.ca/2024/08/01/research-manitoba-supports-bu-students-cancer-project/
May 30, 2024: How amazing it is to follow the journey of perseverance! Congratulations, Vaish, on graduating with Honors and Great Distinction!
- May 30, 2024: Beatrice and Anonna presented posters at the CancerCare Manitoba Research Day at the Paul Albrechtsen Research Institute in Winnipeg. Well done, girls!
- May 9, 2024: BCCMRL’s MSc student Anonna presented a poster at Winnipeg’s Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences annual conference. This is Anonna’s first presentation in a National conference. This year’s theme was CSMB2024 – Gene Regulation: From Cells to Systems. Well done, Anoona.
- April 8, 2024: BCCMRL’s Honours student Vaish delivered an oral presentation at the Brandon University’s Senior Colloquium. Excellent job Vaish!
- March 26, 2024: Two Hons. students of BCCMRL presented their final Honours thesis work. We are proud of you Beatrice and Vaishnavi. Congratulations! Your research and presentations speaks in a volume.
- March 5, 2024: We celebrate all women during the International Women’s Day Week. We sincerely appreciate the effort of the Canada Foundation for Innovation to add our story “The discovery of tumour biomarkers paves the way for earlier disease detection through a simple blood test”
- February 29, 2024: A big leap on the Leap day! Congratulations to excellent undergraduate research scholars, Beatrice Gatein for receiving NSERC USRA and Favour Morolaoluwa Temitope for receiving CIHR USRA. Well done Girls!
- January 15, 2024: Grad student Reid Opperman presented his work at the RiboClub meeting (https://home.riboclub.org/seminars/#next)
- October 25, 2023: Dr. Majumder giving an invited talk in the webinar on ‘miRNAs in disease‘ organized by Cell Press and Trends in Molecular Medicine
- October 11, 2023: The big day is finally here. We have a brand new “Breast Cancer Cell and Molecular Research Laboratory” at Brandon University. We sincerely appreciate the funder.
- September 14, 2023: We are honoured to host Mr. Jim Slater, Chief of Research Administration and Operations, Paul Albrechtsen Research Institute, Cancer Care Manitoba. Thank you for inspiring young trainees and motivating them to pursue a career in Cancer Research, joined by Charette lab (Thank you Courtney for capturing this moment).
- July 27, 2023: We are honoured by the visitation of Designates in our Breast Cancer Cell and Molecular Research Lab. We are honored by the presence of the Mayor of Brandon, Mr. Jeff Fawcett, member of the Parliament Mr. Kevin Lamoureux along with Dean of Science Dr. Chris LeMoine and Provost & Vice-President (Academic) Dr. Kofi Campbell.
- June 23, 2023: Finally our CFI lab BB 3-29 and G-13-2 is complete. On that occasion we had photoshoot (thank you Olivia for capturing those moments).
- June 7, 2023: Reputed scientist Dr. Taufiq Rahman, from National Research Council Canada, Government of Canada, graciously visited our laboratory and encouraged summer trainees to engage in priority research. Dr. Rashed Nekvi (Computer Science Department, BU) was the host of the event. We are happy to have you in our laboratory!
- May 24, 2023: Visitation of the pink lab by an alumni and would be doctor Bonita Shin, a Majumdar lab scholar. Bonita started working in Majumder lab in 2019 as a second year undergrad and completed her degree with Honours, NSERC-USRA, published first authored article. Congratulations Bonita for getting into Medicine at University of Manitoba. We are very proud of you.
- May 9, 2023: We are honoured to have Dr. Heather Duncan (Dean of Research), Dr. Ruth Knechtel (Research Officer), Ms. Kerry Murkin (Manager of Research Services).
- May 3, 2023: Minister of Advanced Education and Training, Hon. Sarah Guillemard along with the dignitaries visited our lab.
- April 28, 2023: Very first committee meeting held at the newly renovated Breast Cancer Bioinformatics Research Laboratory. Dr. Melvin and Dr. Charette serving the advisory committee of MSc student, Anonna.
- April 27, 2023: Excellent presentations by Majumder lab students at the CancerCare Manitoba Research Day 2023. Reid Opperman won a poster award. See the news
- April 9, 2023: Two girls shine again. We congratulate Vaish Gopaul as the Chair of the session and Beatrice Gaitein to present her Topics paper at the Senior Colloquium at Brandon University. We are so proud of you!
- March 8, 2023: We celebrated all exceptional women in science at Brandon University on the International Women’s Day 2023. This year we have two outstanding students from Majumder lab nominated for their contribution in science
Read Beatrice’s story here
Read Vaish’s story here
- September 13, 2022. Majumder lab joins the nations campaign of ‘Breast Cancer Society of Canada’. We need to do more research to know more and eradicate breast cancer. Please click here t learn more about the campaign.
Dr. Majumder is part of the BCC commercial below
August, 2022. Huge congratulations to Riley Feser for successfully defending his MSc thesis. He accepted a position in the R&D sector at KellyOCG, a pharmaceutical company of Johnson & Johnson, as a Cell Culture associate. Way to go Riley!
- September 12, 2022. Congratulations once more Reid. This is the newslink of BU’s success in Research Manitoba competition. Please read Reid’s story “Research Manitoba grants support faculty, student projects at BU”
- August 28, 2022; Another feather to the crown of Reid Opperman, received Research Manitoba MSc scholarship 2022 in the HEALTH – BASIC BIOMEDICAL category. This is very competitive provincial competition and he is the most deserving candidate. Heartiest congratulations!
- July 14, 2022; Huge congratulations to Reid Opperman, for winning a prize for excellence in the “Manitoba Research Poster Competition” held on June 13, 2022 during “Canadian Students Health Research Forum 2022” at Winnipeg, MB.
June 13, 2022; CTV Winnipeg Interview for the Breast Cancer Society of Canada grant 2022.
- June 13, 2022;graduate students Brady Nault and Reid Opperman presenting posters at the Canadian Students Health Research Forum 2022.
- May 26, 2022; CBC Radio Interview for the BCSC grant: Brandon University researcher getting funding boost for her work detecting breast cancer
- May 26, 2022; This is a great day for Majumder lab. Dr. Majumder received operating grant from Breast Cancer Society of Canada for three years. We are grateful to donors for their support.
- May 26, 2022; Congratulations to this year’s graduates from Majumder Lab! Three honours students; Lacey, Khaled (photo missing) and Bonita, we are proud of you.
- February 23, 2022; Big congratulations to Lacey Winstone, Honours student in Majumder lab for receiving NSERC-USRA 2022! Looking forward for an exciting and productive summer research program.
- April 29, 2022; Congratulations Brady Nault. He received 2022 Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships Master’s (CIHR CGS-M).
- March 8, 2022; Heartiest congratulations to Lacey Winstone to receive recognition for her outstanding contributions to society as a woman in STEM during the “International Women’s Day” 2022 celebration. We need more women like Lacey in our society.
Dr. Majumder and Dr. Herron featured in Nature Index. Read the whole story here.
Nov 24, two Honours students, Khaled and Lacey, have done an wonderful job presenting their thesis research topics at the Department of Biology Honours presentation day, 2021.
- Congratulations Riley Feser graduate student in Majumder lab, for receiving $10,000 CAD under Manitoba Scholarship and Bursary Initiative, 2021. This is a great initiative by Manitoba Government to provide financial support towards higher education.
- Two abstracts accepted for the poster presentations at the Canadian Cancer Research Conference 2021. Congratulations Riley Feser and Reid M Opperman.
Majumder lab welcomes new graduate students, Honours students, research assistants and returning members to a new semester, Fall 2021 !
From L to R: Sujit, Brady, Reid, Khaled, Riley, Mousumi, Lacey, Betarice, Vaishnavi
- Blood Test for Breast Cancer. CityNews Winnipeg has the story.
- https://winnipeg.citynews.ca/video/2021/08/20/manitoban-university-professor-looks-to-blood-for-cancer-prevention/
- August 19, 2021, Research Manitoba newsletter “Research Today” interviewed Dr. Majumder. The story is right here
- https://researchmanitoba.ca/a-brandon-university-researcher-is-working-to-devise-a-blood-test-for-breast-cancer-a-move-that-would-effectively-revolutionize-diagnosis-and-treatment-of-the-disease/
- July 30, 2021. Way to go Brady. Now “Discover Westman” newspaper covered the news as well.
- https://www.discoverwestman.com/local/bu-students-lands-research-grant
- July 28, 2021. Congratulations Brady once more for receiving Research Manitoba MSc scholarship. Brandon University News had a press release.
- https://www.brandonu.ca/news/2021/07/28/research-manitoba-supports-student-research-on-breast-cancer-diagnosis/
Congratulations !!!! MSc student Riley Feser won the Basic Science Presentation award at the Cancer Care Manitoba Research Day 2021! Way to go Riley!
Heartiest congratulations to upcoming MSc students Reid Opperman for receiving CIHR MSc scholarship 2021 and and Braydon Nault for receiving Research Manitoba MSc scholarship 2021. Well done Reid and Brady! Lab success is 100% this year.
April 30, 2021. Westman Newspaper broadcast.
April 28, 2021. A big day for Majumder Lab. We received the John R. Evans Leaders fund under CFI to set up a new laboratory dedicated for Breast Cancer Research. Thank you Canada Foundation for Innovation and Research Manitoba for this support. University news link below:
Federal, provincial research support bring $1.2 million to BU lab for breast cancer study
March 30, congratulations to Majumder lab Honours student Reid M. Opperman! Reid is one of the recipient of 2021 NSERC-USRA. Very well deserved.
- On the Women’s Week 2021, we celebrate two of our own. Congratulations Bonita and Mackenzie to be nominated as outstanding women of 2021. Let’s celebrate March 8, 202
Read their story here: Bonita Mackenzie
- First publication of the year 2021. Congratulations Reid! This is an excellent collaborative effort between Western University and Brandon University.
Big day for Majumder Lab. CRC now added Dr. Majumder’s profile on the chair-holder’s page.
Jan 1, 2021. On behalf of Majumder Lab we wish you a very happy and hopeful new year. Yes, we did it. Vaccine is here !
It’s the time for new ideas, experiments, excellent discoveries, scientific breakthrough and all pending publications. Cheers !!!!!
- On the Christmas Eve, Dr. Majumder was interviewed by the reporter Kyle Darbyson of Brandon Sun. BU prof looking to accomplish big things as Canada Research Chair – Brandon Sun.By: Kyle Darbyson; Posted: 12/24/2020 3:00 AM
Dec 18, 2020. Dr. Majumder’s CRC news on Brandon Sun.
BU prof receives $600K grant to study breast cancer – Brandon Sun
By: The Brandon Sun
Posted: 12/18/2020 3:00 AM
Dec 16, 2020. Finally the announcement arrived. Dr. Majumder become the Canada Research Chair in Genotoxicology.
Canada Research Chairs Program supports BU professor’s study of breast cancer _ News
It’s time for celebrations. BU MSc students made headlines on Brandon Sun. You made us proud. Congratulations Riley!
Dr. Majumder received Senate Award for Excellence in Research — Tier 2. This award was established to emphasize the importance of research at Brandon University and to recognize and honour those individuals who excel in scholarship and research. Thank you Brandon University for this recognition.
Read the complete story here
Brandon University presents teaching, research awards _ News
- Finally some well deserved recognition. Congratulations Riley !
- https://www.brandonu.ca/news/2020/10/29/research-projects-by-bu-students-target-breast-cancer-plastic-pollution/
- Research projects by BU students target breast cancer, plastic pollution | News
- Riley presented an e-poster at the “Cancer Science & Therapeutics 2020 Virtual Conference on Saturday, October 3, 2020, organised by Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
Congratulations to Emma Gervin! Emma got into Medicine and just started her new journey to become a clinician at the University of Manitoba School of Medicine. All the best for the new beginning.
WOW! Research Manitoba MSc scholarship 2020. A big fat congratulations to Riley Feser. This is for the first time two Brandon University students received this scholarship. This is a provincial competition worth of $12,000/year, given to excellent student with high research productivity. Very proud of you Riley!
Big congratulations to Majumder Lab MSc student, Riley Feser. Riley received the ‘Brandon University Research Training Award‘ 2020. This is a competitive award worth of $5,000 given to excellent research student to conduct summer research at Brandon University. Well done Riley!
May 15, What a day! Congratulations Emma Gervin, honours student in Majumder got accepted in Medicine at two universities. WOW! We are so proud of you. A promising scientist will become a physician, can’t wait for that. Good luck Emma. Emma gradauted this spring from Brandon University with distinction. We are proud of you Emma.
May 15, Congratulations Kingsley! First graduate student from Majumder lab is now a full time employee and serving as a Medical Laboratory Assistant (MLA) at the Dauphin lab located at the Dauphin Regional Health Center, Dauphin, Manitoba. As an international student, it was never easy for you but your hard work and dedication paid off. You always wanted to be community health worker and you are now a front line worker in Canada! We are proud of you.
Pandemic annouced so Majumder lab is working hard in home isolation. Good luck to all trainees for the final exams.
March 8, on the international women’s day, so proud to see so many familiar faces and our own Emma nominated as exception student as BU. Congratulations! Emma. Read Emma’s story here https://www.brandonu.ca/womens-week/womens-week-2020/emma-gervin/
Congratulations! Emma to get the nomination as an exceptional female student at Brandon University. This is a great honor for you and you deserve this award. Emma will be awarded during International Women’s Day Week, March 12th from 4:30-5:30 in the Library Gathering Space at BU.
March 1, Congratulations! Mackenzie for receiving the NSERC USRA scholarship 2020! This summer is going to be an exciting summer with new research and new discoveries.
November 4: Riley Feser presenting his poster in the ” 5th Canadian Cancer Research Conference (CCRC)” at OTTAWA, ON.
October 19: Bonita Shin and Riley Feser presenting their research work in ” World-Class Research Built in Brandon” Programme organized by Brandon University Research Committee (BURC).
August 15: NSERC USRA student Bonita Shin and Research Assistant Riley Feser published their very first first-authored publication in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Heartiest Congratulations to the Team, you made a Hatric, 3 publications in 3 months !!! You made impossible possible. Go team Go!
Big news !!!! miRNA angiogenesis paper is accepted for publication in the journal Cancers. Congratulations to the team. Your hard work and dedication paid off.
June started with a Bang! Majumder lab grad student Kingsley won Manitoba Medical Service Foundation Poster award at the “Canadian Student Health Research Forum 2019”. This is a brilliant achievement. Well done Kingsley!!!!
May 31, Happy Faces all around today because its the convocation day. Congratulations to Stephanie and Riley.
May 7, trainees presenting at the Cancer Care Manitoba (CCMB) Research Day, at the Theatre C and Concourse, 2nd floor, Basic Medical Sciences Building, University of Manitoba. Well done everyone. CCMB research day photo courtesy: Bonita and Sujit
May 1, This is unreal. WOW! We got the cover page of the journal Biology Open, April, 2019; 8 (4). Congratulations to Kingsley, Sujit, Ahmed, Stephanie, Brady, and Caleb for the great team effort !!!!
Cover: Zebrafish embryo (Danio rerio) injected with Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) showing advanced pigmentation at 48 h post fertilization. In their article, Ugwuagbo et al. show that PGE2 promotes early embryonic development, vascular maturation and angiogenesis in zebrafish. Image credit: Sujit Maiti. Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. http://bio.biologists.org/content/8/4.cover-expansion
May 1, Majumder lab is getting busy with talented summer students. Thanks to Canadian Summer Jobs for supporting us !!! We have two new Research Assistants joined the lab this summer. Welcome, Stephanie and Riley.
April 29th, Majumder lab welcomes two NSERC-USRA scholars in 2019. Welcome back Brady and welcome to the family Bonita. Congratulations B & B !!!
April 18, this is big. Graduate student, Kingsley, and Bioinformatician, Sujit, were interviewed by the international peer-reviewed scientific journal “Biology Open” for their publication. The section named as “First Person”. This is the best international honor and recognition for a trainee. Congratulations!!!! http://bio.biologists.org/content/8/4/bio043349
April 9, Majumder Lab participated in the Western Manitoba Science Fair (WMSF), held at HLC, Brandon University.
We had fun judging young scientists from Brandon School Division
April 9, we also participated in the open house at the Department of Biology after WMSF, where we displayed our breast cancer research program at BU to high school kids to encourage them to do science at Brandon University after they finish high school.
April 2, Honours student Stephanie Hunter successfully defended her thesis. Congratulations Steph !!!
Big Congratulations to Brady Nault, a research student at Majumder lab. He is a star player to watch !!! We are proud of you. Best wishes for the nationals Brady !!!
March 8, International Women’s Day
A big congratulations to Honours student Stephanie Hunter. Stephanie is one of the outstanding students to receive honor at Brandon University for her contribution to academics, research, sports and community services. You deserve this honor Steph. Well done !!!!
Could a simple blood test be able to detect breast cancer?
By Mousumi Majumder, Kingsley C. Ugwuagbo, Stephanie Hunter,Braydon Nault, Emma Gervin, Danielle Larocque, Bonita Shin, Riley James Feser, and Sujit Maiti
“RESEARCH CONNECTION” a news report of Brandon University, February 2019
Majumder lab welcomes four new members:
Emma Gervin, Bonita Shin, Danielle Larocque, and Riley Feser. We shall rock together !!!
Let’s encourage young minds to do science::
BU in Classroom
Dr. Majumder giving science seminar to grade twelve students at MacGregor Collegiate Institute & Neelin High School.
Let’s talk science
Stephanie, giving science seminar at Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School.
October 13th, A Big Congratulations!!! to Kingsley, MSC student at Majumder Lab for Winning Brandon University 3MT (three-minute thesis) competition. The competition was held during BU’s Homecoming Event “New Beginnings Conference: A Community Connective Research Conference“.
June 14, Thank you, Sharon Young, VP Canadian Breast Cancer Network to visit our lab and sharing her story of battle against breast cancer. Trainees got a wonderful opportunity to explain their research impact on breast cancer early detection.
Congratulations !!!! Kingsley Ugwuagbo for winning a poster award in the Canadian Student Health Research Forum 2018
May 29, Cancer Care Manitoba Research Day at the University of Manitoba. Entire Majumder Lab from Biology attended the program. In the photo below from left Dr. Charette from Chemistry, Trent (Charette Lab), Brady and Ahmed (Majumder Lab), Dr. Majumder, Kingsley and Stephanie (Majumder lab), Alice (Charette Lab), Alisha (Chen Lab), Courtney (Charette Lab).
May 29, CCMB research Day, Dr. Majumder was an invited judge in the program and two students from the lab Ahmed and Kingsley giving oral presentations. Congratulations!!! Ahmed and Kingsley.
April 30, Majumder Lab happy to welcome and thanks Patrice Colville, a retired fellow of Canadian Armed Forces, who decided to volunteer in Majumder lab in between of her EMS services. She is an undergraduate student at Brandon University. Someone who can hold both gun and a pipette.
April 23, two undergraduate BU star athletes Stephanie and Brady join Majumder lab with NSERC-USRA Scholarships. Congratulations !!!! Very proud of you.
April 9, Undergraduate Research Assistant Ahmed Omar presenting his research project in Majumder Lab at the Senior Colloquium at Louis Riel Room at Brandon University. Well done Ahmed !!!
April 6, Thank you Research Manitoba. Majumder Lab is very honored to get invited to represent Brandon University at the Legislature Building and meet Enterprise Minister Hon. Mr. Pedersen at Winnipeg at the event “Manitoba: Home of world-class research” organized by Research Manitoba. A very special thanks to the breast patient survivor Ms. Sharon Young (VP, Canadian Breast Cancer Network) to join our team and explaining the importance of our research to the house of chambers.
April 1, finally, we have a Bioinformatician in Majumder lab. Sujit Maiti joins the lab to conduct high throughput proteome data analysis. Welcome, Sujit !!!
BU faculty featured with top prairie researchers.
November 5, CIHR-ICR Early Career Research Program Award given by Canadian Institutes of Health Research during Canadian Cancer Research Alliance Meeting 2017, in Vancouver, Canada.
October 5, Invited talk at the Manitoba Congress of Medical Laboratory Sciences (MCMLS) meetings at the Brandon Keystone Centre.
September 29, Invited talk at the Department of Biology, University of Winnipeg.
September 12, New Graduate Student in the lab. Welcome!!!! Ugwuagbo Kingsley Chukwunonso.
June 12, Dr. Majumder representing Brandon University at the 1st Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI) Alberta and Prairie Node meeting.