Books & other publications
Are We Postmodernism Yet? And Were We Ever? New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 328 p.
Review in University of Toronto Quarterly 91:3 (August 2022): 262-4
with Tom Mitchell, When the State Trembled: How A.J. Andrews and the Citizens Committee Broke the Winnipeg General Strike. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010, 423 p.
Short-listed, 2011 John W. Dafoe Book Prize
Excerpts in National Post, 19, 20, 21, 22 October 2010
Review in Winnipeg Free Press, 9 October 2010
Review in Canadian Journal of Political Science

Mordecai Richler: Leaving St. Urbain. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008, 483 p.
Named one of CBC’s Top 100 pop culture mementoes of 2008
Winner, Canadian Jewish Book Award 2009, Scholarly Category
Winner, Gabrielle Roy Prize
Review in Globe & Mail, 26 April 2008
Excerpt in Globe & Mail, 26 April 2008, A1, F1, F8
Review in Canadian Literature, #207 (Winter 2010): 103-7
Review in Montreal Review of Books
Translated into French as Mordecai Richler: Entre séduction et provocation, trans. Geneviève Deschamps, Québec City: Septentrion, 2011.
with Tom Mitchell, Walk Towards the Gallows: The Tragedy of Hilda Blake, Hanged 1899. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 2002, 311 p. Reprinted University of Toronto Press, 2007.
Winner, 2002 Margaret McWilliams Award
Review in English Studies in Canada

Scatology and Civility in the English-Canadian Novel. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997, 224 p.
Review in Modern Fiction Studies
Shortlisted, Raymond Klibansky Prize
“Letters in Canada 2023: Established Fiction,” University of Toronto Quarterly, 94:3 (September 2025) forthcoming.
“Letters in Canada 2022: Established Fiction,” University of Toronto Quarterly, 93:3 (September 2024) forthcoming.
“Letters in Canada 2021: Established Fiction,” University of Toronto Quarterly, 92:3 (August 2023) 222-245.
“Letters in Canada 2020: Established Fiction,” University of Toronto Quarterly, 91:3 (August 2022): 167-189.
“Letters in Canada 2019: Established Fiction,” University of Toronto Quarterly, 90:3 (Summer 2021): 286-309.
“Letters in Canada 2018: Established Fiction,” University of Toronto Quarterly, 89:3 (Summer 2020): 446-469.
“Letters in Canada 2017: Established Fiction,” University of Toronto Quarterly, 88:3 (Summer 2019): 18-40.
“Cyberculture and Ethics in Generation A and Super Sad True Love Story,” The (Un)Certain Future of Empathy in Posthumanism, Cyberculture and Science Fiction, ed. Elsa Bouet, Leiden, Netherlands: Brill, ebook, 2015, 41-53.
“Letters in Canada 2013: Emergent Fiction,” University of Toronto Quarterly 84:3 (Summer 2015): 1-24.
“‘Daniel de Leon Drew Up the Diagram:’ Winnipeg’s Seditious Conspiracy Trials of 1919-1920,” (with Tom Mitchell), Canadian State Trials Volume 4: Security and the Limits of Toleration in War and Peace, 1914-39. Susan Binnie, Eric Tucker & Barry Wright eds., Toronto: Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 2015, 217-60.
“Richler, son of Klein.” Failure’s Opposite: Listening to A.M. Klein. Norman Ravvin & Sherry Simon, eds., Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011, 169-78.
“Introduction,” Animal Stories of Ernest Thompson Seton [Chinese language ed.], Shangwu Wang, trans., Lanzhou, China, 2011, 261-4. (Invited)
“The Stone Diaries and the Literature of Construction.” Mosaic to Salad Bowl: Essays on Canadian Writing. Ed. Ravindara Pratap Singh. Lucknow, 2010. (Invited)
“Nationalism, the West, and The Englishman’s Boy.” Essays on Canadian Writing 67 (Spring 1999): 1-22.
“The 1919 Winnipeg General Strike and Margaret Sweatman’s Fox.” Canadian Literature 160 (Spring 1999): 50-70.
“Doris Lessing.” Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 261: British Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers since 1960. Ed. Darren Harris-Fain. GaleNet online edition. 38 p.
“The River Horsemen and Milton’s Theodicy.” David Williams: A Novelist from the Canadian Prairie. Ed. B.N. Singh. Bara Bazar, Bareilly, India: Prakash Book Depot, 1999, 110-129. (Invited)
“Before and After Postmodernism: David Williams’ The River Horsemen.” David Williams: A Novelist from the Canadian Prairie. Ed. B.N. Singh, 88-109. (Invited)
“Section 8 of the Charter and English-Canadian Fiction.” Dalhousie Review (Special issue on privacy) 78:3 (Autumn 1998): 385-413.
“The Contemporary Canadian Long Poem as System: Friesen, Atwood, Kroetsch, Arnason, McFadden.” Bolder Flights: Essays on the Canadian Long Poem. ed. Frank Tierney & Angela Robbeson. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1998, 101-114.
“David Williams.” The Oxford Companion to Canadian Literature. 2nd ed. Eugene Benson & William Toye eds. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press, 1997, 1181-82. (Invited)
“Im/maculate: Some Instances of Gnostic Science Fiction.” State of the Fantastic. Nicholas Ruddick ed. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1992, 49-58.
“The Machine in the Ghost: Time and Presence in Varley’s Millennium.” Extrapolation 32:2 (Summer 1991): 156-69.
“Canada, then Scatology, then the novels of David Williams.” Studies in Canadian Literature 15:2 (1990): 180-93.
“Escape Attempt,” [excerpt from Hilda Blake, a screenplay], Ecclectica, Summer 2009,
Edited Books
Under the Prairie Sky/ Sous le ciel des Prairies. With Rosanne Gasse, John Blaikie, Sophie Beaulé, Rachel Major, and Laurence Véron. Brandon: Canada Games Society, 1997.
Book Reviews
[review of Terry Watada, Hiroshima Bomb Money] Winnipeg Free Press, forthcoming September 2024.“Red Alert,” [review of Gwynne Dyer, Intervention Earth: Life-Saving Ideas from the World’s Climate Engineers] Winnipeg Free Press, 13 April 2024, G1.
“On the Right Track” [review of Suzette Mayr, The Sleeping Car Porter] Winnipeg Free Press, 8 October 2022, E4.
“Near-future pandemic story packs a punch” [review of Robert McGill, A Suitable Companion for the End of Your Life] Winnipeg Free Press, 25 June 2022, D5.
“Splice of Life” [review of Amy Webb & Andrew Hessel, The Genesis Machine: Our Quest to Rewrite Life in the Age of Synthetic Biology] Winnipeg Free Press, 2 April 2022, D2.
“Prin’s purgatory a riotous Midwestern mess,” [review of Randy Boyagoda, Dante’s Indiana] Winnipeg Free Press, 16 October 2021, D.
“Surreal Stories” [review of André Alexis, The Night Piece: Collected Short Fiction] Winnipeg Free Press, 17 October 2020, D.
“Christianity ushered in a profound paradigm shift,” [review of Tom Holland, Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World], Winnipeg Free Press, 11 January 2020, D4.
“Alexis in fine philosophical form in new novel,” [review of André Alexis, Days by Moonlight], Winnipeg Free Press, 30 March 2019, D3.
“Perrotta’s ambitious new fiction falters,” [review of Tom Perrotta, Mrs. Fletcher], Winnipeg Free Press, 29 October 2017, D20.
“Digging into the past: Nobel winner Pamuk uncovers layers of morality in new novel,” [review of Orhan Pamuk, The Red-Haired Woman], Winnipeg Free Press, 26 August 2017, D18.
“Missed connections: Importance of networks highlighted in haphazard new book,” [review of Joshua Cooper Ramo, The Seventh Sense], Winnipeg Free Press, 18 June 2016, Books E13.
“Love story’s characters fantastically flawed,” [review of Trevor Cole, Hope Makes Love], Winnipeg Free Press, 21 November 2015, Books G4.
“Tomorrow Never Knows,” [review of David Bergen, Leaving Tomorrow], Winnipeg Free, 20 September 2014, Books G5 (feature review).
“After the Flood,” [review of Margaret Atwood, MaddAddam], Winnipeg Free Press, 31 August 2013, Books, G5 (feature review).
Winnipeg Beach: Leisure and Courtship in a Resort Town, 1900-1967. Dale Barbour. University of Toronto Quarterly, “Letters in Canada 2011,” forthcoming in 82.3 (Spring 2013).
“Bergen offers Hope,” [review of David Bergen, The Age of Hope] Winnipeg Free Press, 8 Sept 2012, Books 4-5 (feature review).
Winnipeg’s Great War: A City Comes of Age. Jim Blanchard. University of Toronto Quarterly, “Letters in Canada 2010,” 81.3 (Spring 2012): 696-7.
“Carey hits again with charming, disturbing novel,” [review of Peter Carey, The Chemistry of Tears], Winnipeg Free Press, 19 May 2012, Books 2.
“Ziggy really sang, screwed up eyes…” [review of Paul Trynka, David Bowie: Starman], Winnipeg Free Press, 6 August 2011, Books 2.
“Richler biography covers a lot of territory” [review of Charles Foran, Mordecai: The Life and Times], Winnipeg Free Press, 23 October 2010, Books 4-5 (feature review).
“Intensely historical, intensely personal look at man who achieved little,” [review of Rana Dasgupta, Solo], Winnipeg Free Press, 24 July 2010, Books 8.
“The Year of the Flood intriguing sequel to Oryx and Crake,” Winnipeg Free Press, 12 September 2009, Books 4 (feature review).
Anthology of Australian Aboriginal Literature, eds. Anita Heiss & Peter Minter, Canadian Journal of Native Studies 29:1&2 (2009): 300-301.
“Asian Tigers” [review of Aravind Adiga, Between the Assassinations], Winnipeg Free Press, 21 June 2009, Books 5.
“Outrageous satirist Richler as seen by realist Vassanji” [review of M.G. Vassanji, Mordecai Richler], Winnipeg Free Press, 26 April 2009, Books 2.
“Vassanji traces path through India’s complexity” [review of M.G. Vassanji, A Place Within: Rediscovering India], Winnipeg Free Press, 30 November 2008, Books 6.
“Up-Market Sweatman” [review of Margaret Sweatman, When Alice Lay Down With Peter], Canadian Literature 178 (Autumn 2003): 172-3.
“Old Home/New Home” [review of Erika de Vasconcelos, My Darling Dead Ones; Harold Rhenisch, Carnival; Rabindranath Maharaj, Homer in Flight], Canadian Literature 173 (Summer 2002): 181-83.
A Thousand Homes, Terry Watada; Wormwood, Vermouth, Warphistory, Charles Noble. Journal of Canadian Poetry 12 (1997): 108-112.
Mediation in Contemporary Native American Fiction, James Ruppert. Canadian Journal of Native Studies 16:2 (1996): 390-93.
Transreal, Rudy Rucker. Science Fiction Research Association Newsletter 196 (April 1992): 43-4.
“Various Feminist SF Approaches” [review of Where No Man Has Gone Before: Women and Science Fiction, Lucie Armitt ed.], Science Fiction Research Association Newsletter 191 (October 1991): 23-4.
“An Important Study” [review of The Genres of Gulliver’s Travels, Frederik N. Smith ed.], Science Fiction Research Association Newsletter 187 (May 1991): 38-9.
Signature Event Cantext, Stephen Scobie. Dalhousie Review 71 (Winter 1991/2): 517-19.
Newspaper Articles
“The Battle for Winnipeg” [excerpt, When the State Trembled], National Post, 19 October 2010.
“Calling the Shots” [excerpt When the State Trembled], National Post, 20 October 2010.
“Rounding Up the Ringleaders” [excerpt When the State Trembled] National Post, 21 October 2010.
“Stacking the Jury” [excerpt from When the State Trembled], National Post, 22 October 2010.
“St. Urbain’s hit man” [excerpt from Mordecai Richler], Globe & Mail, 26 April 2008, A1, F1, F8.