30:478 Postmodernism & Beyond

Aram Bartholl, MAP, Taipei
Winter 2014
Instructor: Dr. Reinhold Kramer 109 Clark Hall 727-7344 kramer@brandonu.ca Office hours: 2:40-3:30 (Mon, Wed, Thur.) Home page: google “Reinhold Kramer” or go to https://people.brandonu.ca/kramer/
Course Description: We will examine late 20th-century and early 21st-century literature and film, focusing on how artistic works and human emotions respond to new media environments, to scientific advances, and to a culture of simulation. Films could include Joel & Ethan Coen, O Brother, Where Art Thou? and Kaufman & Jonze, Adaptation. Fiction could include Stoppard, The Real Inspector Hound; Lem, A Perfect Vacuum; Wallace, The Suffering Channel; Shteyngart, Super Sad True Love Story; Powers, Generosity; and Egan, A Visit from the Goon Squad. Titles may change with little notice.
- Class Participation 10%
- Reading Tests 20 Jan.; 3 Feb.; 3 Mar.; 31 Mar. 10%
- Test 12 Feb. 20%
- Seminar presentations (choose date) 2 x 10% 20%
- Essay (10-12 pages) 9 Apr. 20%
- Final Exam 21 April, 2-4 p.m. 20%
Note: There may be penalties for lateness, depending upon circumstances. Reading tests cannot be postponed, and missed tests cannot be rewritten without a doctor’s note or other documentation. Cite all your sources – assignments containing plagiarism will be graded “0” and will result in disciplinary action. See BU General Calendar 4.2.2 “Academic Integrity.” No cell phones in class.
Students with disabilities who require accommodation should register with the Disability Services Coordinator. Some students may find readings, films, and/or discussions of controversial matters troubling. If so, contact the instructor immediately for alternative assignments or an alternative course.
Outstanding Good Satisfactory Weak Inadequate
A+ 90 & up B+ 77-79 C+ 67-69 D 50-59 F 0-49
A 84-89 B 74-76 C 64-66
A- 80-83 B- 70-73 C- 60-63
Texts: (If you buy a used text, ensure that your edition matches the BU Bookstore edition.)
Borges, Jorge Luis. Labyrinths
Egan, Jennifer. A Visit from the Goon Squad
Lem, Stanislaw. A Perfect Vacuum
Powers, Richard. Generosity
Shteyngart, Gary. Super Sad True Love Story
Stoppard, Tom. The Real Inspector Hound
Wallace, David Foster. The Suffering Channel
Tentative Schedule:
Jan. 6, 8 The Image; Features of Postmodernism
Parody and the Missing Referent
Jan. 13 Decide on seminar presentations
Jan. 13 – 15 Tom Stoppard, The Real Inspector Hound (1968)
Postmodern Culture
Jan. 20 – 29 Gary Shteyngart, Super Sad True Love Story (2010)
Reality vs. Fiction
Feb. 3 – 10 David Foster Wallace, The Suffering Channel (2004)
Feb. 12 Test
Feb. 16 – 20 Spring break
Feb. 24 Boundaries of Postmodernism Jorge Luis Borges, “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” (1940), “Borges and I” (1960) Feb. 26 “The Lottery of Babylon” (1941), “The Library of Babel” (1941)
Society of the Spectacle
Mar. 3 – 12 Richard Powers, Generosity (2009)
Alternate Worlds
Mar. 17 Stanislaw Lem, “Les Robinsonades,” “Gruppenführer Louis XVI” Mar. 19 “Rien du tout, ou la consequence,” “Idiota,” “Odysseus of Ithaca,” “Being Inc.,” “A Perfect Vacuum” (Introduction) (1971)
Mar. 24 – 26 Charlie Kaufman, Adaptation (2002) (1:50) Note: on 24 March we will begin at 8:00 a.m. in order to watch the whole film
Media Simulacra
Mar. 31 – Apr. 9 Jennifer Egan, A Visit from the Goon Squad (2010)
Apr. 9 Essay Due, Review
Apr. 21 Final Exam (Tues., 2-4 p.m.)